Guess so...... and not much accomplished either. Seems I've been doing a lot of running around though.... which means I am out and about instead of here at home "doing". That does it. Today I'm not going out of this house. I'm staying home enjoying myself. Got some fabrics yesterday so I can try to get some work done on poor little neglected Rumpel...remember him?? He's getting ticked waiting..............
However, I still have hundreds of photos left from Portugal. Don't worry...I won't be posting all of them. I'm just trying to pick out the most interesting ones for you ........there will still be toooo many I'm sure.
We decided to stay at 'home' on the third day... a town called Entroncamento. We put a lot of miles on our walking shoes. And, may I just mention...when you walk on cobbled streets and sidewalks.... you spend a fair bit of time looking where you are putting your feet. You'd better! Uneven surfaces can be hazardous to your health..... and may I say, no wonder there were lots of shoe shops around. I bet they wear out plenty of pairs of shoes on the sharp edges of those chunks of marble. Tires too come to think of it...and hey...I did see lots of tire shops too...
But, today...I also want to show you some construction. Solid construction. How I wish our homes were built this solidly. Of course, it would cost a fortune here because we don't have easy access to bricks, tiles, marble and granite...nor do we have tradespeople who have the same skills and knowledge. But... I bet we could save on heat...and we probably would never need A/C.... and.... they would last for a much longer time than wood structures.
Your hubbies might appreciate this more than some of the ladies will...but if, like me, you have been involved in a lot of renovation projects, you will be able to appreciate the techniques and labour involved...and can see the amazing finished product.
The slabs of concrete....the brickwork....the forming and attention to detail....
Each of the houses and complexes had their own cranes for heaven's sake.... pretty darn amazing to us.
Of course, the cranes were a necessity to hoist such heavy weights of materials into position....
Here are a couple finished..... sort of a modern retro look to me....
And....just down the road..... the more traditional.... although, this one was a bit more colourful than most...but, still.... very nice...... and, how beautiful against the sky!
more new construction around another corner.....
I would have loved to get a look inside some of these homes... wonder what is in that little rounded area?
Some had palms....
Some had their very own orange trees...
Even small homes had marbles and granites .... see how close some are to the roads and traffic? I was wondering how it works with kids...... these Moms must have kids that actually listen when they say watch for traffic. Certainly wouldn't work for any of the kids I've seen around here lately.....
This guy had quite the collection of marble...and granite....and a lot of other stuff.
Actually.... there were a couple of his slabs that I would have liked to bring home for my bathroom reno...
Here's a cute one.... although, saying that.... they are not really little at all when you consider two levels...and they usually go further back then they do from side to side ...
Of course, this tree caught our eye .... been like that a while I think....

....cobbled marble chunks everywhere.... definitely a way to use up leftover bits from the quarries .... which I am supposing is the idea.... why let good marble go to waste? It was everywhere...even for building up little chunky fences and borders around large natural acreages, garden areas and unfinished properties...
We walked for miles....just enjoying the architecture of houses and small property this time... churches and cathedrals were a whole other ballgame....
...although...there was still some pretty elaborate tile and iron work on modest homes... well, sort of modest...
again...the doors just opened straight out onto roads.... ..... so surprising to me. Single file please.
The guys were pooped....hahahha.... should we go for coffee now ladies? ....
Yes please..... make mine meia de leite... that would be half milk for uninitiated ...
A lovely little reflecting pool in the downtown area... right beside a very modern coffee shop.
a fun day wandering all over the town and snapping many, many photos.....
Hey.....another great little told doorway!
Like I mentioned before.... always some modern juxtaposed with the seemingly ancient..... loved it.
A few four legged friends wanted to say hello ......
Now...come on. There had to be a table or a ladder somewhere behind this wall..... or maybe a trampoline. How did this guy get up on that wall? He was up there almost every time we walked by over the weeks we were there.
I really love that peeved look on the doll with the arms on his hips.
I know what you mean about posting. Gets harder especially since the Spring is here. (Notice I didn't say since the nice weather has come, since it hasn't!
You've made up for it by posting all those pics. They're great!
I'm you don't build like that in your part of the world? Seems totally normal to me...mind you, over here, wooden houses are very unusual. (That is one cute dog!)
What a lot of concrete! I like to see the rolling hills outside my back door. I guess it's just what you get accustomed to. Thanks Vee.
Hi Vee,
I want to see more of Rumpel! :)
He looks rather angry right now. :)
Love the photos too.
Yes Rumpel's expression says it all lol!You better get to work on him my dear or he might end up giving you a rollocking..
Thanks for sharing so many wonderful moments of your vacation
Haha ~ the little dog is so cute standing on the wall. How did he get up there?
xo Catherine
Hi, Vee!
LOL! You've given Rumple the proper facial expression and stance. No doubt about his feelings over having to wait for you to get back to him!
You and Shashi are giving me the vicarious European vacation I won't be able to enjoy otherwise! I am amazed at the architecture ...and certainly wish we could all build such sturdy shelter! It would be great in hurricanes and even some tornadoes, I think...not sure about earthquakes, though.
Cobbled marble streets - such wonderful photo opps.
I forgot to mention how I appreciated seeing the medieval castle in previous post - so much to take in, so beaut. You did well to get around as much as you did. Bet you plopped exhausted each evening!
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