I was saying that I knew that some people were waiting patiently for big cathedrals and the like...and today.... here they are. Batalha, Mosteiro Santa Maria da Vitória...or ...just the Monastery at Batalha. HUGE!!
There is so much to learn about it ...so please click on the link to Wiki at least.... you will enjoy reading about this amazing place.
It's difficult to believe the masons of the 1300's, with rudimentary tools and who knows what experience or knowledge.. could manage to erect such a structure. What a feat. One of those things difficult to explain in mere words. Truly worthy of the overused 'awesome' ...one I rarely use... but, like Fatima....just so huge in scope and so amazing in construction and significance...that it is mind boggling.
What an ecclectic mixture of architectural styles.. even to the untrained eye.
I love the intricacies of the filigree looking work....
You know of my penchant for windows....
.... and......doors...... ... aaahhhhhh......but, this shot gives a more realistic view as to size! This was a really big door...
.... with such detailed carvings all around it ...
C'mon....let's continue on around the corner....
What? waaay over there? okay then......oh, just a minute...take my picture from there to show the size! Move where? Can't hear you......
Maria...taking my photo... and Mr. BV taking hers. Biggify and look again... see that tiny turquoise spec at the base of the building? That's me. See what I mean by BIG...
A statue of a great and much revered Portuguese general.... Nuno Álvares Pereira

His epitaph on his tomb...which was lost in the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, read.... "Here lies that famous Nuno, the Constable, founder of the House of Bragança, excellent general, blessed monk, who during his life on earth so ardently desired the Kingdom of Heaven that after his death, he merited the eternal company of the Saints. His worldly honors were countless, but he turned his back on them. He was a great Prince, but he made himself a humble monk. He founded, built and endowed this church in which his body rests."
Onward from there... still rounding the corner of the structure...
more lovely intricately designed windows...
just a minute...is that another door hidden behind those columns? .. yes...yes it is. Bigger yet....
I stole this photo from Wiki.... I would have had to sprint backwards at least a full city block to get the whole thing into a frame... look at the sheer size of it!!! Three exclamations ...honestly...it is just so big. Sorry for going on about it..but, as you can tell, it seriously wowed me.
Some body.....for perspective...
carvings of little statues all around the door...even up to the top of the archways.... rows upon rows of them. Angels, prophets and saints....
The amount of love and care and attention to the tiniest detail put into each and every little figure ...
Next day....we go inside........
What fabulous architecture, Vee! The doors especially intrigue me. Wonder why they felt compelled to make the doors so huge? Just for aesthetics or for some other purpose? Great photos!
o.0 that is huge!! very impressive :D
the detail is amazing when you do think of the age of the building
Hi Vee,
So glad that you shared your photographs again. So many of us all lost our last post, I know I did and was a big sigh too.
The architecture is extraordinary, the grandness and the intricate carvings is magnificent.
Thanks for showing us and I look forward to seeing inside.
Happy weekend
Another great posting, Vee! It´s always a pleasure to tour with you my friend, be it on your blog or in person, you make it worthwhile. Thanks for the tour ... always looking forward to the next one.
Hugs ... Maria
You sure saw some beautiful things on your holidays ~ many wonderful memories to be sure!
xo Catherine
Amazing carvings.
Absolutely stunning! The architecture is quite detailed in areas. Great pics, Vee!
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