right down to the highway in spots....

the new highway ..up on stilts from the look of it... last year under construction..now..can hardly see much of the huge canyon area from the finished road. Good thing...it is a looong way down there...makes ya feel kinda queasy.... see those tiny trucks over there?... it is huge too.....

here is what it looked like last year...we were still driving under it on the old road....

ahhhh...the peace and quiet of the little farm.... Actually at times it was more noisy than the city. Busy traffic along the nearby road.....big trucks at silage time, hauling all day and most of the night.... chainsaws bucking up fallen trees.. (the Pine Beetle is killing every single tree in the province) more pics to come... .... the farmer baling across the way... 3 tractors in operation til way after dark. I was watching the lights moving around the fields well after midnight the first night of baling. ...the guy on the property below using a Bobcat to move some earth and the guy next door chopping things alongside his driveway with a motorized weed cutter... . our patio in the big city is a morgue in comparison. Okay ...a morgue with birds .... lovely chirpy birds.

Ohhh.... Sweet Tiffany was waiting..... such a velvety softie....

...but, clever too... look at the trick Vikki taught her. She plays chimes on command....

..and, this week, she played them plenty.. all on her own... just milking it for all it was worth. It was like she remembered me from last year. Remembered what a push over I am. Back and forth she went... playing her chimes and coming straight to me for a pet and a "good girrrlll" ... and perhaps a tiny chunk of dry kitty chow.....
We came home on Tuesday evening, but,the yard and garden have been taking up most of my time so I haven't been on here more than a few minutes to check some blogs. I think I got weaned cold turkey from "computering"at my sister's fat farm. Well, she said perhaps I could call it the Fit Farm or something more exotic instead... either way...it was supposed to jump start my fitness program as I haven't done much this whole year and am getting soft and feeble. By the end of the second day I could hardly move.... She motors around like it is no biggy.... all day....... Then she falls into bed and sleeps like a log. I kept up all day and fell into bed and tossed and turned..fell asleep about 3 a.m.... got up at the crack of dawn...and went again...dragging my butt and yawning...but still keeping up. Honestly, for the past three days I have been sleeping in and enjoying it.... she gets up too early. Well, too early for me. But... that is me... I think if it is too early for me it is too early. I am definitely opinionated.... and rarely diplomatic or tactful. She has dial up....reeeellly slow dial up. No wonder she doesn't bother reading my blog...(plus she has absolutely no time anyway) it takes so long to download.. that it kicks her off before she ever gets to see it. I couldn't even check my mail. But...we were so busy I didn't even miss it. By the time I got home....I couldn't think what to write, seemed to have no desire to spend time on here and definitely needed to spend some serious time in the yard. Still have pots to plant... need to mix some new dirt and compost and add it to the cement-like dirt in the garden areas. I did nothing out there last year because of my broken foot.. ....and it shows. Yards and gardens are a huge commitment.... thank goodness now the perennials have filled in most of it...but I still like to plant some annuals for a special show of colour when the early bloomers have finished. This fall I definitely want to get some tulips planted as well. Funny how that has gone for years now...by October...I am finished gardening...and never get around to digging in any bulbs.... perhaps this year.....
we were beginning to worry Vee.
Glad your back safe and sound.
lots of love from Nova Scotia S & Winn avec Les Chats
Hi Veronica!
I was worried about you! I haven't heard from you in awhile and you hadn't posted on your blog...I'm glad you are ok :) Oh boy, dial-up? That explains everything...lol!
~HUGS~Heather :)
Welcome back to the blog world! I have been wondering where you were. Yes, our yards and plants can take much of our time this time of year. I think I am about done planting until the cooler fall weather. It is full blown summer weather here now.
Good to see a post from you!
Wondered where you'd run off to...a little farm in the country? Sounds lovely.
I had to do a Google search to find out more about that nasty pine beetle. What I learned was pretty shocking. Yikes!
oh Vee, that's very sad ... I know only too well that blood definitely is not thicker than water. I believe you should only surround yourself, when possible, with people who make you feel good, people who love you for who you are ... and people who understand and appreciate the uniqueness that is only you. Easy for me to say. Wink.
Sending big hugs your way, xo, S & Winn and a special hug from our Buddha Boy sweet Oliver
Oh Vee it is a beautiful place. It's so sad to think that like BC, Alberta's forests are at the mercy of the pine beetle.
Your Tiffany has the sweetest face, I'm sure she wouldn't even have to ring those chimes to receive a tickle and a treat.
Thankyou for your condolences.Everyone of us holds a special place in our hearts for the pets that have gone before us and I can only hope that someday we will be reunited.
Take care and enjoy the open road this summer.
xo Susan
Luvly pikchers!
Mummy haz gon all silly over yor cat.
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