This is Shadow... a little guy that adopted her after she finally coaxed him out of her shed after many weeks to months of trying... he was a tiny wild kitten at that time. The only one to survive of a litter of an unknown Mom.....

He is all black ..with greenish eyes... hunts outside as much as all day if nobody calls him home... ...sometimes comes when called. He then hops up onto a small table in the kitchen and waits for his treat... lots of pets and a teensy lick of butter from a finger.... then off he goes to clean and tidy himself. He must remember me from last year because he does not come out for strangers.. AT all. Certainly does not let them pick him up. I didn't realize that and just went straight to him to pet him and he purred and said hi and tried to climb up on me...that was it...V. was very surprised and said "either he thinks you are me or he remembers you". He is a very clever little guy. And...puts himself to bed each night about 9:30 to 10:00..in his own little basket on a dresser.

This is BIG Mr. Thompson who came by way of a sister in law... not sure why. "Mister" weighs in at 22 lbs... in spite of all the dieting, playing and exercise she has put him through in order to encourage some weight loss. Mr. T seems able to hang on to those pounds in spite of her best efforts. Poor Vikki... she is somewhat embarrassed as she never has had a fat cat...and my own sweet Mister BumbleVee really had her going with this cat the first time we saw him. "Oh, my god...Vikki!! Look at this cat!" She ended up laughing so hard it was at the piddling pants stage.... before Greg finished with her and the cat. We all had a good laugh at poor Mr. T's expense. Honestly, it was too funny...but, of course, you would have had to be there to appreciate the humour of it. He just sauntered away when we had prodded and poked to ensure it was lots of fur and not all flab. Poor old guy. (Honestly, I really don't know if he is old...nobody does...but he is not young) All of her life, she has done all in her power to keep her animals healthy and happy and they all have lived to ripe old age... she knows what she is about when it comes to animals let me tell you. She has a horse that has been diagnosed with severe emphysema and the vet wanted to put him down much more than a year ago.. let me show you Mickey too..

he is fine at the moment...enjoying his life at her house. He still bucks, snorts and "rodeos" when she opens the corral gate the first time in the spring. I almost fell off the fence cuz I was too close when it happened... missed the 10 seconds of wildness with my camera... dang it!! Of course, she does have to wash his purchased hay before she feeds him so that he doesn't cough... it is usually too dusty....and adds holistic things to his mash...and..well, treats him like a big pet dog. (and, I have to say he seems very happy and so does Mister Thompson..so ...there.... ) The big black and white cat has lost a few pounds since he came to stay at the "Fit Farm"... but the best thing is...he is much more relaxed and happy. His overall shape and musculature has definitely changed and he is now able to jump onto chairs and plays outside a lot. He didn't do that at all at first. He was not happy; seemed anxious and unsure of what was happening. Now.... his fur is so much more soft and shiny ... it was awful when I first saw him...stiff and dull. Now..it is glossy, soft and we brush and comb him to get out the old stuff. He loves it. He is like a big brother/mother/dad to little Shadow. Took him under his wing... or paw.. since the first day Vikki found the little kitten. Mr. T. roughhouses like a young cat with Shadow. Hard to believe I know..if you just see him wandering around the house...checking the dishes for a leftover scrumblie.....

Here he is. ... under coaching... trying to do a crunch from his fav position.... uuhhffff... come on Mister Thompson...you can do this !!!

Uhm.... no....I can't.... let me just rest a bit okay?......

Of course, this is Tiffany... hard to play favourites...but, I have to say... I think she is mine. I love that soft, gentle face. A little lady.
She remembers that I know her chimes trick...and that perhaps I can be cajoled into an extra teensy bit of cheese and for sure some extra pets and hugs....

Here is her sister, Cleo. Definitely more aloof, but also very soft and friendly. From the same litter of kittens... given to my sister by two young girls at a time in Vikki's life when she herself was having a very tough time. They thought she needed some cats to keep her company. Oh....but they were bad kittens...I remember they almost drove her to distraction..... now look at 'em.....

Oh....here is William..... checking out the steps we built. Yep...he says they will do nicely to aid in his ability to race up and down the side hill "shopping" for mice.
As well as her four "inside" cats.... (who are in and out all day)..... she also has two that live outside. In a huge garage/shed building. For outside cats...they are ultra clean... very friendly... follow us around like dogs... and actually come when they are called. How unlike cats! They are allowed to play outside if somebody is around home...but are kept inside at night and if we all leave the property. He is a lean, clean, mousing machine. His little sidekick Keera is all black and looks exactly like shadow with the exception that she has yellowish instead of greenish eyes..... can't believe I have no pic of her. Such a dainty little black lady. Talks to you all the time..... follows so close underfoot you have to be careful.... absolutely comes to see you right away if called. What a crew. And so much fun.!! ....
thanks Vee for the lovely and very descriptive introduction to your sister Vicki's gang of mostly cats and one very handsome horse.
You know my Bleetness is also a "fat cat" though not quite as fat as Mr Thompson and I must add, in defense of fat cats everywhere I do believe at times it is a result of a slow metabolism. My Bleet is the only cat in this house (of 4) that isn't whining and crying and flailing themselves around constantly begging to be fed again and again ... in fact I hardly ever see him eat. Perhaps he's a closet eater but I don't think so. I think he's just got those fat genes.
Glad your back. xo S & Winn avec quatre chats
I enjoyed the kitty review. Your sister has chosen two kitty names very dear to my heart...Mister and Cleo. Sweet horse, too. Too bad about Mr. Bumblevee's allergies because I can tell that you are a cat whisperer, too.
Ohhhhh, Mr Thom is twice as big as my dog :)
I so enjoyed meeting these lovely pets! Your sister and brother-in-law are very special people for taking in, and taking such good care of, all of them! We had a shy girl cat named Shadow (also black), and her brother had similar markings to Cleo's.
Luvly luvly cats!
Mr T looks jus like Figs, a gerl cat that Mummy yewst to hav. Wendzday waz the third annyversry ov wen we had to say goodby to her an Mummy waz sad cos she luvd her lots.
Figs had reelly reelly soft, thik velvetty ferrr. An she waz all frendly an silly! She let Mummy blow rarspberrys on her tummy wen she lay like that! HAHA!
We wunce knew a cat like Shadow, too, sept he waz calld Shadowfax.
Dilly LUV pusscats!
Mummy hav 2 cats but liv wiv Granny. Go see evry 2 weeks, bring food an stuff.
Dilly think foto be nice- pusscat yewzin new 'tree fence'. Maybe remember clymin wen be tree?
Hi Vee, I have missed you so much!! You must love to go to your sister's...they are all wonderful pictures...i enjoyed them so! I miss chit chatting with you.. are you enjoying your summer? I hope so!!
Just love cats, thanks for the photos. I want one, one day when life is less busy. I want to have the time to spend with it. I hope it turns out to be a lapcat! x
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