Delta took a beating and got a bit muddy... but survived the rain and hail.... still looking beautiful ... looks like a sun bonnet dropping over a little face.

How can delicate flax look so perfect after a blustery day?
Today we golfed (my old guys and me) ... we had a small opening in the weather ..not perfect but at least we didn't have to wear earmuffs. I even took my coat off on the third hole. The wind picked up on the 9th...but by then...we were done. Only a small 9 hole course for us on Wednesday. It's plenty. Can't afford a 5 hour day right now.... had to come home to play gopher for the carpenter. You know... get me the stubby in my toolbox? ... oh, I need the vice grips... where's my Phillips?... can you see the hammer? .... I need the plumb bob...
Only today he was dismantling even more, so I was a burro part of the time and then the gopher. It does save him a lot of slogging up and down steps and I get some exercise. Not enough..but some. Then, I made the mistake of saying about choosing a piece of nice coloured arborite to match the green paint... and there was still a piece of soft blue gray mottled arborite on the sink side... .... I say was because it is now in the garbage pile. If I am having green on one side... no use having blue on the other.. but..to get it out...the sink had to come out...then...the toilet almost came out... (my laundry room is also a bathroom) .... for now the toilet is the only thing he hasn't taken out. And..if it is too much trouble to paint around it... well, it too will become history. sigh.... he is all excited and said..you are getting a new sink! I was happy with my old sink. I was happy having a fairly nice working laundry room. When will I be able to wash clothes?
Okay...I'll play dolls instead.

I managed to find an occasional half hour and did finish a Button Babe. I forgot to take one before I got this far... next time. These pics have been posted before.....but just to show the progression...here they are once more ...

A self covered button. Any fabric that is a nice flesh colour... and one on which the Pigma pen doesn't run or isn't too deeply ribbed to wreck a very delicate nib. Then, I lightly pencil in features and use watercolour pencils. Some outlining around eyes, lips and nose with .005 Pigma pen..some brown..some black. A spray of Krylon fixative to protect and hold the colours.

Then, I play with different fabrics for hats...or decide on yarns, fur or wool for hair.... it's lot of fun.

The rhinestone "jewel" on her black velvet hat is a vintage earring found in Mom's jewelery box... I bet she would giggle to see it used for this. I imagine she wore this pair a few times... "bling"! It needs daylight ..or perhaps candlelight to see the true sparkle.
Katerina may eventually have some ribbon or a small ruffle at her throat. Still might just need that little bit extra.... we call it OTT (over the top)... and it is almost a must for our dollies...
My goodness, the little drawn face on your button babe looks so real!
I have come to the conclusion that once renovations start, they never end- one thing always leads to another. I am so weary of the mess, dust and work- I am tempted to run away at times. You just need to golf more until all the work is over- hee hee!
You do lovely doll faces, Vee! Your shading and facial features are just perfect!
I'm always so amazed by the detail on these little faces.
I was out in the garden yesterday, proping up, trimming, helping and saving. A few newish plants nearly last in the downpours but I think they're going to be ok.
The rain has made my herbs go mad! The yew has doubled in height this year.
A lovely day yesterday and lots done..... today, more drizzle. Constant, constant drizzle! So what did I do? Toddled off to the Farmers' MArket and came home with MORE herbs.
Heheheee. Well, I had a spare shady patch.....
Thanks for the visit to my "Table Toes"! Yes, FLuffy's toes are definitely popcorn scented- warm popcorn. An excellent description!
glad you played with the boys, always fun....
I have a joke I need to email you...what did I do with your adress????
The button babes are sweet, especially with the fur hair. Ackkk about the laundry room. I'd be having fits.
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