What a magnificent day! Perfect blue sky and my lilacs are now blooming. Remember when I said you'd all be able to enjoy mine long after yours were history for another year? Now's that time. It is also time for this.

Actually, it is almost past time for this... so I am having a quickie tea party.... sort of a "Bearly Tea Party" ....cuz, I happened on the invitation and information a bit late. It's taken me a while to catch up on some back reading of blogs since being away. .. so, it is not really a proper Mad Tea.. it is just sort of a bit "off" tea.

I really wanted to do something... but was also busy helping with the laundry room...(which is still a shambles). I was washing socks in the kitchen sink... talking out loud to nobody in particular... and some of the bears overheard. There was whispering...I went to check in the front room... and saw them. Getting prepared... So.. we talked a bit more and they were all, like, you know... saying... ..oooooh... let's bring some "outside" inside ... how about some lilacs ? .... and let's have tea and crisps in the dining room.... and, pretend we are outside! 'Quick ... go get the camera.... So, we did.
Well, right off the bat, you can see Posie was hoping for more than tea.... but at least she sort of pretended to just use her wine glass as an elegant chair. It took quite awhile for her to climb up there ....

Rosebud said that she would pour...as she was biggest... and hopefully could lift the pot.

Posie hopped down and claimed a dainty pink cup with gold trim just as soon as Orange Pekoe was served. Just a simple refreshing cup of tea for an impromptu party. You can see that it was very informal.... mix and match cups and pot.....

She had to stand on tiptoe to dip her Date and Walnut crisp...

Obviously this guy misunderstood totally.... must have thought somebody said "ski" party or something... why is he wearing a toque? He seemed happy enough to stay though...and said he did enjoy his lovely tea. Very polite he was.

Scruffy was using Posie's pink tea cup while she was off chatting... got a bit carried away and his little green and yellow tie got dunked too....I squeezed it out for him and he said "good enuff" and dunked a bit more carefully.

Stanley insisted on bringing that darn baby even though we had already decided there were no kids allowed... it was to be bears only. Honestly, he carries it everywhere with him... ...

Leonard seemed mesmerized by the ladybug that landed on his foot.... even the scent of dates and walnut couldn't tempt him.

Stanley finally set the baby aside long enough to have tea. It was sleeping anyway. Hey..he's a lefty..who knew?

Percy, so innocent and polite in spite of the piercing and that almost mohawk hairdo..... but, that was before Scruffy happened along and showed him how to climb onto the cake plate. Seeing as how Scruffy has lived here longer... Percy probably figured he knew all the rules... or at least how many could be bent....

Oh, dear... isn't there always somebody who shoes up lated and gets the crumbs? Poor Fergus...

"So... how'd you boys like the party"? asks Posie.... as they were eating the last of the tasty crisps.

uuppffffff..... maybe we ate too much... I have a tummy ache says Scruffy....yeh..no kidding! piggy wiggies !!