The weather is great right now...the past few days it has been +14C - +16C... better temperatures than it will be on a lot of our summer days. The sun feels so good on my face. I go outside and just stand there...looking around.... looking up. Worse than somebody's grandpa...you know... standing around out there watching the grass grow. It doesn't seem so long ago that I peeked out through somebody's curtains...and remarked on that very thing to Mr. B about his grandad..... now I know exactly what he was up to. ... erm...and it was about 24 years ago.... ackkkk! where did all that time go?
I wanted to move my motorcycle out of the corner of the garage yesterday so I could get at the battery and take it out. I was bad... didn't ride last summer because of my broken foot... and really didn't even bother doing that which should be done. The battery should have been out of the bike all winter in case of freezing temps... luckily it was not overly cold this winter...and I doubt the garage got below freezing. Whew. Don't want anything cracking or getting wrecked just because I was ticked and ignored my bike. It really needs a complete service this spring before I do any riding... but still needs to be ridden over to the dealer to get it done. So... battery will need charging up first....

I've been reading a few biker chick blogs..... sigh.... lots of them are riding already .. some even get to ride all year round. I can't even imagine that. Needless to say they don't live in Canada. We just had a new skiff of snow last week...and although it is now gone...we will be getting more. It is pretty much a guarantee. It can't possibly be spring here yet. Be several weeks to a few months before it is regular riding weather ... I prefer to wait until the street sweepers pick up plenty of the sand and gravel. If you happen to be on the crud...it is like riding on marbles. When I come to a stop, I like firm footing when I plant a boot on the ground. Not much happens as it should when you are sliding around on that stuff. I want to know what my bike is going to do next.
It's +11C right now... a few more great days...but.......by Friday.... wet flurries....... hmmmmm...
Tomorrow it will be another great day...
Gosh Vee look at you on that bike you brave lady! It must be so exciting but it looks really, really heavy. My sister in law and her hubby have one but although she drives a car she hasn't ever driven the bike, she just sits at the back of him... and I think thats brave too ha ha.
the first pic - yummy!!
hey Vee,
searching around the net for both ideas and new customers and came across these lovely little stuffed creatures and thought of you. LOVE the red and white dog. Smile.
hugs from S. & Miss Dixon (& sweet Ver too)
sorry, did you say something??
I got distracted by those CINNAMON BUNS!!!!
Can I just say that I love knowing a biker chick. It sounds so cool. I, who am the furthest thing from being either cool or a biker chick know someone who is. ("Know" in a bloggy, cyber way that is.)
Been wondering what you were doing. I would not have imagined that you were looking out of windows, though, in an old lady sort of way. LOL!
Hope that you get aboard your bike soon and have an adventure. You'll need one for sanity's sake after months of baking, dollmaking, and reading magazines.
Well, that did it. I've been craving cinnamon rolls for a while now and your picture just sent me over the top! Hope your bike is in good shape and that you're riding soon.
P.S. The dog is only prone to occasional fits of baying...so we wouldn't be dreadful neighbors...just challenging ones!
Did you make those cinnamon buns? Yum!
I love motorcycles, but I don't drive one, and I have to trust the person who is driving it.
You suit that bike.
I often have day-dreams about riding a motorbike, my John rode bikes until he had a very serious accident back in 1985, and I used to be propped up as pillion! He still loves bikes, we watch Moto GP, Superbikes, speedway etc, but I am sure he would love another one, he is very keen on being the owner of a Ducati Monster! He is in the midst of getting a 1970s Ducati 500 Desmo back on the road, a bike which he rode before he knew me. He has managed to find quite a few of the vital parts for it on e-bay. We even travelled all the way to Holland to pick up a seat. Hopefully he should get it up and running, fingers crossed. I am sure you will have lots of biker chick stories to tell when that weather of yours improves. Until then just keep eating those lovely chelsea buns, I love those, you have made me feel very hungry! x
Enjoy your warmer temps. Love the photo of you sitting on your bike- lookin' mighty kewl!
I know exactly what you mean about envying those that can ride year round! Although I ride behind, I'm addicted as much as the most avid of biker chicks - and my hubs is always suggesting I take the plunge. I know what I would buy when the time comes (a flat black street bob with pale pink striping), but for now, I'm content to lollygag on the back, soaking up the rays and enjoying the sites!
Are you going to take a frozen nipple ride come Jan 1? Its tradition, you know!
Hi BV! Nice bike!! I guess I don't have a lot of posts on my Katana, probably should do more but like yours, my season is short. I think I may have a "my Katana" link on the side of my blog...but I don't think I've posted many. Last year was slow for me too......so sad....
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