The polls are now open over at Lisa's blog.... so head over to the Easter Parade when you have some time... check out all the great entries and vote for your favourites. There are plenty of bunnies, (three days worth) ...and so many great ones~! There are chicks, Easter bonnets and even some Irish themes... seeing as Easter was hard on the heels of St. Patrick's day...
I am making a little stuffed chicken for supper.....working on a needle felted dog... and perhaps even sculpting some eyes on a new doll that I began yesterday.... a lovely relaxing day. Of course, in between that I may be called upon to help hold wires, lift some ceiling molding... balance drywall...etc.... not out of the ordinary around here. This is our 20+ year reno project.
"ooooooh..... you will either get a whack on the wrist or be ignored by the Christians today ......."
Right on, Hon! I know certain people will be offended.
But they _offend_ me, when they constantly push their religion on me, in their blogs.
They are free to do so, in their blog. As I am free, to mention thoughts which I have, in mine. Compared to many, I mention my views very infrequently.
But, we are all free to not read blogs, which get our blood pressure up. I have had to stop reading certain ones. They are free to do the same, with mine.
Thanks for being brave enough to put your comment up in my entry, though! Brave, brave Gal!
Happy Easter. Can't wait to see what you working on.
Sounds like our Sunday- we are putting up new outside lights and the outer trim around the patio sliding door. I want to run away and live in a brand new home that doesn't need one single thing done to it-LOL!
Hey Vee,
just teasing you ... I noticed the page link after I wrote my comment thanks for the info. There was some blockage involved if you get my drift which is the reason for my trauma.
Honestly one of the worst days I've put in that I can remember ... but we're free again ! Smile
Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!
kari & kijsa
Im just about to head to bed but wanted to stop by and say "HI"
The bunnies from your Thursday post are so cute. I will have to go and look at that other page too, but for now i really must refrain from clicking 'just one more' link. If i give in and click, before i know it the sun will be rising and i wont have gone to bed!
I got a lovely new camera, thanks for your comment. Not so good news about the other camera, that a whole other story....
I'm so glad that you had a relaxing afternoon. You had chicken for Easter dinner or you were creating a chicken? Sometimes I'm fuzzy on these things...heading to Lisa's now where you KNOW which one I'm voting for.
Wow! That was labor intensive! ;>
Ah! Bob told me about this. He was VERY taken with it. Loves bunnys, him. He voted for his favourite one, too.
I wanted to thank you for letting me know about this parade.. i enjoyed it so much! Hugs, Linda
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