Honestly, on Monday I thought it was going to be glasses for the ABC post at MrsNesbitt's... but that was on Monday.

Then, yesterday, while standing in the kitchen, I heard a big truck..no, not a fire truck, but the next best thing. A garbage truck! Bing, bing, bing..... A big "G" !!! Now, before you all think I truly am an ambulance or fire truck chaser...hear me out! I'm not. I started to laugh and thought...hey! maybe I can redeem myself here.

Grabbed my camera and got a quick shot just as he sped by the window. Even with the slight zoom on... not close enough. Darn it.
Okay... that does it! All I could hear in my head was the voice of Stanley Tucci in Devil Wears Prada.... "Gird your loins" !!.......and that did it.
Out I went. Today I mustered some nerve for all of us who can't do it every day... today.... I was determined to take one for the team and just do it!
The truck had turned down the alley before I got outside...so I waited. Wandered up and down on the lawn..checking to see if anything in the garden was looking un-dead......nope. Nothing worth a pic.... checked down the alley... he was coming. I was giggling to myself by then... a nervous giggle it was and I was sweating already.... NOT going in the house!
Finally it was really loud... all of a sudden, there he was at the neighbour's and then roaring past the shed..I got him.

Even at the speed with which it all happened, the driver had the presence of mind to wave ... probably thought.. what a silly woman.. taking a picture of a blinking garbage truck.

The guy on the back leaped off and I snapped a couple more... he was laughing, but I started thinking that I was probably making him nervous too......

Surely, he would be wondering what the heck was going on. Somebody mentioned in a comment that all we have to do is mention our blogs if we need some explanation and nothing comes to mind. Well, I couldn't resist...had to yell at him over the noise of the truck..."you're going on my blog!" He hollered back at me .. "If I had known I would have fixed my hair!" ... ahahhaha.... we both laughed ...he hopped on the truck and gave a huge grin and wave as they sped away.

These guys are my new firemen! What great sports!! I took my camera in the house, then went back out for the can;...carried it almost inside the back door before I realized I usually leave our garbage can outside...uhm...I knew that. Stupid nerves anyway!!

Hi Hi ,
This is a wonderfull G Theme for ABC wednesday,I have the same (first)aubject, and I like the Guy and g-can too :)
Greetings from JoAnn/Holland
Visit my G for ABC wednesday
A great story and that is why ABCW is much better than SWF. On wednesdays we get photos visualizing the story, and yours today is wonderful.
Have to follow up with something like that tomorrow
What a great story,made me smile.Have a nice day:o)
Great and charming story! :)
Cheers! ;)
Oh these are so good .. not only that you got these shots but that they tell a story!
Oh what a wonderful G post. You have entertained me in a mighty bloggy way this morning. We are part of a whole new breed of people out there with our digital cameras clicking away!
I loved your gargage truck theme. Great story.
I'm always out walking when the garbage men pass and we wave to each all the time.
Great story and a great photo:)
What a great story
So hilarious. We have the garbage truck today, Maybe I should lie in wait. But I got the city ones a couple of weeks ago when I was documenting the condiment packet litter.
Great story and nice choice for G!
HAHAHA! Oh how wonderful! This is best G I've read! This is Great! LOL!!!!!! How great that they played along...
keep that bin outside!
That is a good G post.
You had me giggling loudly! That was great. You are a genuine photo buff for ABC Wednesdays!!!!!!!!
I love your stories! This one is priceless!
I don't mention blogs here (well, apart from the family!) because no-one knows what I'm talking about.
I am sure you made his day.
Wonderful adventures you're having with the Mrs. N thing! Those guys really do sound like great sports.
oh ya! your garbage guy was cute enought to be a fireman! good shots.
Seems like you have spent quite some time to embed all the G words here. Didn't thought of this approach myself. BTW, I love the glasses of wine, LOL.
Happy blogging. :)
Your post brought a smile to my face. Thanks.
oh you awesome lady!
what a Great post!!
Great post
Garbage people are so important...
In our area they are called Sanation Workers... I suppose it sounds better, but all in all Important people
Thanks for stopping in to see my "G" guys!
I always appreciate what they do for sure. I wave at them all the time and take them a bag of home made muffins once in a while... don't know for sure if they are the same guys all the time...glasses and hats... great disguise. I am sure they switch areas. They get quite the workout some days. Not only in this neighbourhood..but all over the city, people put out the damdest things...and ...they take them! If they can fit it into the back of that truck..it goes! Even if both of them have to get off and lift it together. I've even seen couches tossed in. They are only supposed to take a couple of cans and a bit of small stuff....but they spoil us all... and take everything. Like 15 bags of leaves I saw one day! Why can't people recycle a bit? Both of my neighbours usually put about 5 cans each.. (one only has one kid at home now..the other two are empty nesters.) How can anybody generate that much garbage? Overflowing, falling off..the magpies tear it up and make a huge mess...those guys even pick up the bits....man... they are diligent. True heroes of a decadent society.
What is it with you, and men with big appliances! x
Oh this is wonderful! Great shots and the story they tell. He looks like a great guy too! (Loadsa G's there then!)
What a wonderful surprise to stumble on. I was reviewing some of my comments in my own blog and came across yours on my "Mum" post which I had not seen or responded to. Just popped over here to say 'Thanks' for posting what you did.
So glad I came. I'll be back! (As Arnie says).
ROFL!!! You surely made the day a lot more fun for the garbage guys- they probably have never gotten that kind of attention before. I bet they laughed all day about the lady taking their picture.
You are so cute!
I've used that on-my-blog line. But I usually get sort-of worried looks. Good for you and for these guys!
Btw... Ever see Strawberry Eggs? {Scroll down to 6th pic} :-))))
For the crafty ladies among us. Not for me, but...
Fantastic! I had a Good Giggle! LOL!
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