When a day begins with this ... you know it's gonna be a good one! My beautiful cat ACEO pastel arrived yesterday ... all the way from Russia in only 5 postal working days (we had a holiday here over the weekend) !! Whereas, I am still waiting for mail from Ontario...and it is now a full two weeks since it was mailed from there .... sigh ...
The day began with brilliant sunshine, but deteriorated to dim and cloudy.... actually, I wish it would rain. It is so dry and the trees and plants need some good moisture before it gets cold and the ground freezes.
I took a few pics ... wish I knew how to use Photoshop so I could "shop out" those wires...but alas.... I am pretty dense when it comes to that. Not that it's all I am dense with...but that for sure. I love alleyways with some interesting flowers or weeds outside fences....this fence is even interesting in that it may fall down by spring.... does this come under the heading Wabi Sabi?

Cute stuff...great to look at on this rainy day. Fabulous imagination.
I just love photos like these. There are so many interesting things around us if we just stop and look.
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