A few minutes ago I was off to stitch some ears on my latest little bear. Now, with second coffee in hand, here I am. Looked at the ears ... honestly I did, .. just didn't feel like wrestling with a needle and thread; typing seemed a little bit easier. I am so NOT a morning person.
Or, perhaps, like this little guy..... I licked something that made my eyes go funny... made me feel ... zombie like.
Last night there was a heavy frost again... but now the sun is brilliant causing steam to rise off the shingles across the street ... the rain drops on the patio chairs turned to sparkling rough cut crystals of ice and the shallow water in the bird bath is frozen into a miniature skating rink. I can hear the sisssssiing of the sprinkler system being blown out on the golf course behind our neighbour's houses. A busy time of year this "winterizing" ..... still some things to do before the snow flies.
Tuesday I was in the garden for about 3 hours ... getting my stretch and bend exercise for sure. The hamstrings are still feelin' it today. I felt like the kid in the starfish story. You know the one; about him gently tossing stranded starfish back into the ocean? Well, being landlocked ... I have no ocean... no starfish either of course, .... but... .... I do have ladybugs. Yep. Plenty of 'em. One of my reasons for not cutting back all of the plants or clearing out most of the leaves. Those little guys need some protection. This year however, in the spring I couldn't get in there with my bad foot.... so, have to do a bit of fall trimming instead. I was disturbing hundreds of poor little ladybugs with my rooting around in there.... especially when I trimmed back a couple of the blue fescue. I tried to shake them off before I stuck the dead stuff in the bag...but every time I looked in there... several were busy trying to climb up the plant leaves and trimmings; looking for a way out. I kept picking them out and tossing them back into the garden..under a tree or somewhere safe so I didn't step on them. An old guy with his dog stopped to yak at me and laughed when he saw what I was up to. Just like in the story, he said, forget it... it will take all day at that rate to get your garden done. What's a few ladybugs? Hmmpf...... after he walked on, I immediately salvaged 4 more from my garbage back and put them safely under the spruce tree... saying smugly to myself... these little guys are happy I cared and so am I !!
Yesterday, I drove along a street littered with poplar leaves and just wanted to hop out of the car and run through them. They get thick in the gutters....about 2 feet wide.... and are absolutely the best for jumping into and kicking up in the air. All still nice and dry and easily lifted in huge bunches. When a breeze is blowing they just sail away and do little cartwheelies down the road. Wish my foot was so much better ... I would be out there doing it now. Getting some strange looks but who cares? Guess I am just some kind of nut case to still love to do that. Of course, in spring I still want to float popsicle stick boats down those same gutters .....
My little guy is of softest cashmere type mini bear fabric .. have you ever run your fingers over a rose petal?...just like that. Velvety soft. For the longest time I couldn't decide on a colour for foot pads. At the bear show in August, I bought some wonderful small pieces of velvets and upholstery fabrics This one now seems the only one to consider... funny that. I just don't like any of the other colours next to this .. erm.... rather odd colour of green. I have taken to calling him Gerber, because for some reason the colours reminded me of the babyfood stuff in the jars... peas and carrots.... ick... hahahha... but the name is cute and seems to be sticking. Now, for those ears .......

Hi Vee, you had me giggling with a vision of you tromping and kicking the leaves about. It is a lovely time of year, it hard to drive in a straight line for looking at all the colours!. Love the little bear he is coming on great.
Warm wishes
Hi Vee, I wish I could be there jumping in the leaves with you... hey we can do it in our minds.. thank goodness for that! I haven't been up to myself lately.. and long story.. heading for long term treatment of iv.. about seven hours a day once a week. I have to go to the doctor's office for it so guess I will be getting lots of felting and creating time! Your little bear is adorable by the way! Love the colour! I love ladybugs too... i would have done the same thing... no wonder we matched so well..sure your not my long lost sister? Hugs, Folksie Linda
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