These are actually from last February. I just saw a huge flock of them last week, but they didn't come to roost in the Poplar tree across the street as usual. They were checking for the little Mountain Ash tree they came for last year, but is no more. It was broken in a wind storm and the owners had it removed. However, the birds must have found another down the block as I could hear them and see them moving around..and then..poof, as they do....... they were gone in a flash.
Last year I heard them twittering...hundreds if not thousands of them in the poplar...grabbed my camera and dashed across the street to try for a few photos. I was standing not far from the little berry tree and they flew past so close to my head I couldn't believe it... almost felt the wings beside my ears... I had goose bumps after the first few almost touched me. It was amazing.
They kept coming and going in groups of twenty or thirty to the little tree...grabbed a berry or two and off they went back to the huge poplar with their buddies. Then, another group flew down...and, back they went again. They kept it up for about 20 minutes... by which time they had totally denuded the little Mountain Ash tree and suddenly, just ...gone @! So quickly .. in one huge flock...up and sideways they went. silence. Like they were never there at all. Except for the mess. Berries and twigs and bits all over the snow... under the little tree and under the big one as well.
I got a few great photos...
so, today I share with you "the Bohemians".... click on any pic to see it larger.
They hang upside down as easily as they do right side up it seems.... and they all did it in order to get at the best berries.

Check out other birdies at Stewart's on the pic below to be transported there....