Well, I got all the cards chosen and addressed...it is quite a job really. Getting just the right card for everybody. I can't just grab any old card and toss on the address and send it. Nope. Doesn't work for me.
Each person is so different... each is perhaps going through something in his or her life and the inside sentiment is pretty important to their frame of mind. Well, that's how I feel about it anyway.... and, so there is lots of uhm-ing and ahhr-ing while I sort through my selection of cards.
And, may I offer my tip on how not to feel sick to your stomach when it comes to licking the envelopes? ... Don't do it !! Get a moist paper towel and run it over the glue instead ...forget using your tongue..... some of that stuff tastes horrible !! ICK.... of course, some of it doesn't stick anything down anyway...so don't forget to have some tape handy.
This is also my annual plea to anybody who happens by my blog. Please, if you can afford some small amount.... would you consider a donation to one of my two favourite charities? The Primrose Donkey Sanctuary in Toronto, Canada.
Sheila takes in so many donkeys in need... along with all sorts of other poor, unwanted and neglected animals. She only has a small area and it is totally staffed with volunteers.. All the money goes to feeding and caring for the animals. The hay, the vets, the farriers... last year they even had to ship hay from the neighbouring province as there was none to be had where they were due to rotten weather that had decimated the usual crops. It takes a lot of money to keep going, but they do their best regardless of the situation it seems.
I just like to help ever since I learned of her little group and the good works they are doing there. On my side bar there is a photo of Sheila and two of the wonderful donkeys. Click on it to go to her site if you want to find out more about her and the sanctuary. Amazing animals they are.
I remember to send my cheque each year because I do it with my Christmas cards ...so today.... some hay money is winging its way across the country to Sheila and her amazing team of volunteers.
Maybe you could send a card too.... and thank you so much if you do.
some of the photos Sheila has sent me over the years... sometimes they find abused donkeys that are pregnant, and then, all of a sudden, they have two new mouths to feed.

To see a short video of Sheila and lots of donkeys... click on the link below. And, why I can't make the link wording change colour I haven't a clue !! arrgghhh... but, click on it anyway, okay?
The Donkey Sanctuary.
The Donkey Sanctuary.
Sweet donkeys and sweet Sheila to care for them. I am in the midst of sending Christmas cards too.
Oh - you just reminded my of my Mum, who would spend so long deciding which card to send to which person - I just buy multipacks and everyone gets the same card. Now that we have moved house, I miss my neighbour's donkeys ..... I shall have to find some local ones!!
Donkeys are such sweet little animals - at least for the most part. So sad that there is a necessity for a shelter for them.
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