Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Doodly Bird

...popped out of my mailbox yesterday....

He brought me some bits of trim from the UK!  Lynn... (who I always call Ms. Doodly Bird .. behind her back) ... is taking the same "wrapping cloth" class from Karen Ruane.  As a matter of fact, it was on her blog that I saw the info about the class.  She is taking several classes at the same time.... acckkkk!  She must have a ton of energy.

Another thing she does is make Doodly Birds .... like this guy... although, usually they are painted... this is a Sewing Dood.... it.... thanks Lynn.

Anyway... back to the fun ... she offered to send me some bits to add to my stash...and I gladly accepted the offer.  I'm in the very early stages of creating my "stash" of white and off white fabrics and trims for making these "wrapping cloths"..I'm definitely going to make more than one.  As I mentioned before, I'm going to call it my "friendship cloth" because it will be made with gifts of fabric and trim from blog buddies, relatives, friends and friends of friends...  I've already added several to my first three blocks....

Here are some of the goodies in my Doodly Bag.... thanks so much Lynn.  What a great addition they will make to my next block...or in the case of my third block.. because I am debating taking out one bigger piece that seems to jump out at me and I'm not convinced it belongs....

As usual.... every time the postman comes to our house, ...'you-know-who' is on top of it.  Or in most cases..several 'you-know-whos'... barely left the room for a minute to get my camera and when I got back.... they were all sitting there having a great time on the new fabric..... hmmmm...

"Look, I found a snowflake ... the colour of ...  me !"  ....

"Ooooo .... can I hold it?"

"Uhm, .... not now.... maybe later....."

..."or........ not........................."  "I really like my little snowflakey"........

"Never mind.... found my own".....


"us too".... "look there's enough for everybuddy"

...  Frikkles and Posie found some too.....

... and, my other birds were eager to chat with the Dood .... about his long flight and all I guess .....

We all love the goodies Lynn....!


Lynn Holland said...

Such a funny blog post Vee you write a great page and I'm so happy to be in it.
Enjoy your UK bits and pieces
Lynn x

Annie said...

What a wonderful parcel of goodies....I'm not surprised your little friends want to share it with you. :-)
A x

Mary Ann Tate said...

Lovely stuff:) Okay what do you mean by "wrapping cloth"? Who or what are you wrapping? My first thought was that it was like a shroud aka wrapping cloth......LOL But then I thought that would be too weird.

Gwen Buchanan said...

BV, you have a way of bringing a smile to everyone. love thes little guys and the lace is gorgeous.. sweet little doodly bird too ..altogether a happy place.

Shashi Nayagam said...

Cool stuff Vee. Watch it those little fellas might run away with it as they seem to have fallen in love with the trims.

Lin said...

It looks like everyone is happy with the delivery. Hooray!

BeadedTail said...

What a fun post! Yay for a great delivery!

Twiglet said...

I love those little friends of yours! Lovely bits and bobs from Lynn too. x Jo

JennyPennyPoppy said...

A delightful post and very cute pictures of your bears and birds.