Friday, October 1, 2010

hunting and pecking...

..with my right index finger, so can't be bothered with caps ... ... feel kinda like a chicken pecking at feed ....

...keeping my left hand elevated

got the ganglion/s removed and de quervain's tendons released and tendon repositioned.. a lot of digging around in there..he found a big old non- resorbable suture in there too, from the previous ganglion surgery...   way back in the 70's.  guess that didn't help all these years... he couldn't figure out why it was there.. i'm sure i don't i was out cold at that time.  this time it was just a 'local' so i got to hear all the chatter... and do a lot of shivering and shaking. i was happy when the assistant, who turned out to be another young doctor, got me a heated blankie.  ohhh that felt good.
i didn't look over at the ongoings..not this time.  cuz when i had the carpal done on my other hand?..i looked.  bad idea. i almost fainted.... and i was already lying down...

this is my cluster of ganglions... hope they are gone when the bandage comes off.. even though the prognosis seems to be that they will likely come back at some time.

elevate the hand for 3 weeks and then begin rehab... there is a fair bit of swelling..especially by morning.  i wrap my hand in a blanket so it sort of stays up higher than the rest of my body.. but it sometimes moves of course.

i don't usually take tylenol 3 but that's what he prescribed for pain and said take 2 before the freezing came out.  i should have listened to that little voice that was trying to make itself heard.  i knew there must have been a reason i only ever took a few many years ago and have never even considered them for anything since. i must have been in shock. or just not thinking.  anyway, by 8 in the morning i was still in plenty of pain, plus i had not slept one wink. and, felt sick to my stomach.  tylenol 3 has caffeine in it!!  acckkk.  if i drink coffee after 2 in the afternoon i hardly get any sleep. never mind loading up on the stuff.  i got off the bed and googled tylenol...immediately ditched those and took an ibuprofen.  by then the pain was beginning to subside somewhat or i was getting used to it.  i laid on the couch and finally fell asleep...whew.............

ok..nuff pecking.

something must have changed on blogger...i can't find my pics to upload... when i click on the photo icon something different shows screen with a prompt to let me browse my computer for photos... anybody else have this problem?   how do i upload photos now?

update:: .... thanks Perp... i did eventually track them down.... can't save them in a group now though... must be a way....

the fingers were so pudgy I couldn't separate them....


Jennifer Rose said...

hopefully this surgery is the last!

Catherine said...

Yowch!!! That sounds very hurtful ~ hope you get feeling better soon!

And 'boooo' to blogger not working right. Sometimes little bloggy bugs get in there and do unhappy things. Hopefully it will get straightened out soon.

Have a happy weekend ~ take care of your hand!
xo Catherine

Gretel said...

Oh well done on getting the surgery done! I do fervently hope that it sorts your problems out and you can get back to making things with little or no discomfort.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Yes, blogger did change and it threw me for a while too! Choose Upload on the left of the screen and then hit the choose files on the right side. You should then be able to choose where you want to get your pictures from.

Good luck!

Twiglet said...

Bets of luck with the hand - do hope its settling down and you are feeling better. Hope you sorted out your pic upload - Perp. Choc suggestion is what I do too so hope it works for you.

Sue said...

Oh ouch!!!! I hope your hand is feeling just a little better today. I definitely feel for you.

Tylenol 3 has codeine in also, which is probably what caused your stomach upset. I don't tolerate codeine at all - I don't need to be hanging over the 'throne' AND nursing a body part full of pain. I'm sorry that you are also having probs with this.

I also vote for the Choc!!!



Daisy said...

Oh, that looks very hurty! I hope you are feeling much better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing. I can sympathise with the painkiller thing - I can't take codeine as it makes my come out in a cold sweat and feel faint, and I can't take ibuprofen as it upsets my tummy .... so it's paracetemol for me!! Do you know about the old-fashioned treatment for a gangloin - you get someone to hit it very hard with the family bible (perhaps because that would have been the biggest , or indeed only, book in the house). But on a serious nots, I hope you recover quickly and get back to doing the things you love!

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Yep, whack it, that's what they did! Hope you are soon good as new and pain free!

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh I hope you are feeling better. I had one removed years ago. Can't remember being in pain cause I guess because it was in my palm. Yours are in a very akward place but I hope you will start feeling better soon.
As for uploading photos click on the uploading button and then click on the choose files icon.

Serena Lewis said...

OUCH....they look painful, Vee. I hope the healing process is swift and that the buggers don't come back.

I'm fine taking codeine and it seems to be the only thing that helps me with migraines. My sister can't take codeine at all because it causes stomach upset for her.

JudiA said...

Well, at least that's overwith. Dear Vee, I hope you heal up soon and completely.
Blogger won't take pics off my computer anymore - I have to upload them to Picasa first. ...grumblegrumble...

Leslie said...

Uggg...sounds painfull! Hope you feel better soon! I don't like the newer blogger draft because I had a hard time uploading pics,so I switched back to the original and can upload pics from my computer. That was several months ago though and I can't remember how I did it!! I'm no help huh?!