Friday, October 22, 2010

where to start...

This is just the same as trying to start a new habit.  You know the drill. "Do something for 21 days in a row and it becomes habit." Motivational seminars quote it all the do investment counsellors, diet centres, dental offices, ...  etc.... ... Surely you've heard of it?  We used to use it all the time when trying to encourage people to floss.

Well... it appears it is the same in reverse... for me anyway.  How 'bout you?  If I don't do something for 21 days... it seems difficult to get back to it.  Like exercising...or cooking, or .... blogging...or ... I guess that pretty much proves the saying...

So... here I am.... back.  With nothing much for show and tell. I didn't make anything... even with my good hand.   I have been lazy and bad tempered for 3 weeks really.

Hand surgery seems to have been a success so far as is known at the moment.  Thankfully, I have full range of motion with all fingers and thumb, although I can't press things too far yet as it is tight and a bit painful to stretch my thumb as far down into my fist as I think it should be able to go .. and it better... eventually.  The surgeon says to see him in 3 months if I have any queries....  absolutely buddy! (he looks about 18 years old)...   You will be the first to know!  Believe me...

My right foot got really bad and I've been limping around for weeks as well ... because I did a bad thing. I walked on my treadmill in my slippers because I couldn't tie the laces on my running shoes.  Idiotic.  No support and my foot got reeeellly bad.  But... that has finally let up just today and yesterday... so I am a bit happier.  I have been a rotten, grumpy, semi-invalid for a few weeks.  I'm just not very good at this.  Even if I am lazy...I want to be lazy doing what I want to be doing... not feeling miserable because I am in pain or because I can't walk.  Yes, I know lot of folks have it much worse... I should be grateful and I try... honest I do...   but I still suck at being laid up..... so, at that...I admit I'm a total failure.

Mr. BV has been a special angel through it all.  He deserves The Medal of Valour.  Somehow he is able to ignore most of my ranting... a good thing....  encourages me on other fronts... and through it all ...  ....   manages to keep us moving forward...  I'm a very lucky girl.  I don't know how the poor guy puts up with me.  And, in the midst of it all..he was finishing the last two cupboard doors for the laundry area...
they will cover the plumbing and plug-ins.  Making it the best laundry room in the city to my eyes... you don't even see them this nice in the million dollar show homes we viewed when looking for ideas for our renovations.  I'll post some pics of that next.

I think he actually enjoyed his time in the kitchen though.  He appears to be a closet cook.  Mostly, he doesn't do much in the kitchen, because he works full time still...and it is my domain.  Therein lies a little problem too...I hate to relinquish control of MY kitchen I guess.

However, the first night, I didn't even care what was happening out there...and lo and behold... I heard some little clinkings, some rustling about and some chopping...and then.... oh, boy.... the aromas wafting to the bedroom from the kitchen !!  ... yum!  He said on the way home from the hospital... I think I'll make us Vindaloo for supper. Huh?  I, of course, wanted to know how he would manage that... and his response?  If you can read... you can cook.  Boy... can that guy read!

Okay, this is not the vindaloo.... because I forgot in my Tylenol fog to take a photo of that before I devoured it.  But... this is the little stuffed chicken he made for Thanksgiving dinner.... oooh... and that was yummy too!  With creamy mashed spuds, carrots and sprouts.  Oh, and... stuffing of course.... and... lovely gravy.

I have to admit, I did enjoy having somebody do the cooking and cleaning... seeing as it would have been the pits to try to do any or all of that with a gimpy hand.

The garden has pretty much died out now...we had some cold days and then... the best summery type fall days you can imagine.  It was perfect golfing weather... waaaahhh...and I couldn't be out there. #@!&^%$.  Oh, year.  I'll be there at the crack of spring.. and get in lots of golf.

The wild flax and the iceland poppies just didn't want to give up.. nor did the Sweet Williams... they are still showing an occasional late bloom amidst the dried out iris stalks and in some secluded areas of the garden...

The coneflowers look interesting even when they are dried and brown.... I hate saying "dead"..

Hmmmm.... as usual.... I think I have nothing to say..and all of sudden it becomes a novella...... hahahha.....


Gretel said...

Well, you know that you have my 100% sympathy...with any luck both of us will be firing on all four cylinders next month sometime - very good to hear that your hand is doing so well - here's to health!

Terra said...

It sounds like your hand is healing, and your husband is creating masterpieces in the kitchen for you. Now that is way cool. And a doctor that looks 18, I know what you mean. Have a great weekend.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

You poor woman! No more treadmills in slippers! Glad you're able to post.

Sue said...

So glad to hear that your mobility in your hand is coming back so well!
(golfing in the Spring is looking better and better!)

How nice that your hubby took over like he did - his Thanksgiving dinner looks pretty darn delicious.

Wishing you a restful and not-so-grumpy weekend.


Catherine said...

Oh you poor thing! I am hoping you are feeling better soon and are soon in better spirits. But to have such a beautiful meal made for you ~ I am thinking there is lots of love at your house!!!

Take care ~ and have a beautiful weekend!
xo Catherine

rachel said...

You poor thing - but hopefully you'll be 100% again in no time. But what an opportunity for your husband to demonstrate his skills! What a star. Make sure he gets to spend time in the kitchen again, won't you!

Louise said...

Lovely to hear from you on my blog. It's nice 'cos you share my interest in GP. I am following NH on Twitter! I have been meaning to say how much I love that 'lil bear in your header. So lovely. It's not the best situation for you at the moment. I hope you make a recovery quick haste. Make the most of your caring man. While it lasts! Jack frost has knocked back everything in my garden too! x

Twiglet said...

I do hope your hand makes a speedy recovery and that you are feeling better. With you AND PG resting up maybe I should get my felting needles going!! lol x Jo

Shashi Nayagam said...

So glad to know you are on the mend and yes your hubby does need a medal.

Serena Lewis said...

It sounds like you're healing up pretty darned good, Vee.

Oh dear, you are as bad as my Mum who, earlier this year, decided she would do star jumps in her kitchen whilst wearing over-sized, loose, slip-on slippers. Well, of course she fell and hurt herself, didn't she...she had to drag herself through to the bathroom where Dad was because she was in too much pain to call out. Yep, slippers are OFF when it comes to exercise from now on and that goes for you too, Missy!

I adore Vindaloo curry...the hotter, the better! What a darling your hubby has been in looking after you....not too shabby in the kitchen either by the look of that meal. Lap it up while you have the chance, girl!

I've been having a pity party for myself this past week so I kinda know how you feel.

Chin up, big smile...tomorrow is another day ~ :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Great to hear that your hand is healing and sometimes it takes longer than one would like.
You have a wonderful husband there, taking over until you are up and running.
Do hope that you are feeling better and back doing all the things you used to.

Sending hugs and well wishes from NZ

Anonymous said...

slipper seem to be the culprit and a few accidents, I was wearing them 4 years ago when I slipped on the stairway and broke my right ankle. I hope you have learned a lesson young lady!! Slippers and a trend mill?don't sound alike a good mix. Hope you heal up fast and thanks for stopping by my blog, it is a wonder anyone does anymore I have been so out of the loop.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately Malcolm has always shared the cooking .... and now that he has retired he also shares the housework (although it always seems to be my turn to clean the bathrooms!) Glad your hand is healing. You may just have to be patient to have the full range of movement.

Abi said...

21 days? yep - I can relate... having a hell of a job getting back into the doll making/blogging world... it just feels different somehow? perhaps I'm just lazy, and enjoying home decrating too much... who knows!
Hope the foot and hand are doing good :O)

Unknown said...

Glad your hand is on the mend and I hope your foot eases too. It is rather wonderful to be cooked for although I have issues with the whole kitchen control thing too.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

My Sweet Pea,
I'm glad your hand is healing ,but I know you are still hurting a bit.I pray it will get better soon.
May be for us both...we'll be Okay, you'll see.Hey at least you have someone cooking for you...LOL.
Get better soon!
Hugs and get well kisses,
Marie Antionette
PS Its a lovely post.I just put a new post up today.I am having a give away Dec 1

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

LOL...I would let you bring the nibbles. Cause I know you would cook me something good to eat...I think you and I would get into trouble if we lived near each other.I can tell you know...LOL
Loves you Marie