Sunday, November 30, 2008

Embrace the Face..

Here I am again....last minute.... ... today is the last day for this month's face challenge at Embrace the Face, which is to include "lace" in our submission....

The topic should have been a beautiful one to inspire something special. But, motivation was lacking ..... the days went by while I was enjoying myself doing other things.... ...... and here it is already November 30.

I couldn't really make lace look like lace on paper.... so, I gave her a "lacy look" cowl on her sweater. Guess it'll do for now....

I was enamoured of pink hair from making some little tree angels....and decided to give her some too....

....and, just because I want to make sure I have some actual lace somewhere on this page.... here is a pin doll face I recently made for a swap on a doll making group.


Susan said...

I wonder Vee could you have collage-ed her lace cowl on (glue gun). Your messy work space looks perfect thanks for the pics - I took one of my messy desk to send to you but I have been glued to the messy desk and haven't had a moment to deal with Photoshop. Also a recipe for you over here at 29 Black Street. Happy Sunday xo S & les Gang

BumbleVee said...

Absolutely I could have Susan!! I just checked out a couple others and guess what?...they did... silly me not to even think of it... .... ahhhhhh time... and ..

I really want to try painting something see if I can make it work instead of the pencils...

hey!..... I'll be right over to see what's cooking!

Linda Fleming said...

They are all lovely. You do the dreamiest eyes- gorgeous eyes.

Pauline said...

Fabulous, I just love the eyes that you did on your dolls, really lovely.
