Last year my cactus was only a year old and even though it had several blooms the day I bought it.... when it reached the anniversary... only 3 blooms appeared. I did get some great shots of those flowers though and was thrilled that it had survived the year as I haven't really been able to keep one alive in the past. My sister has several and they are ancient, huge and have zillions of blooms...(not only at Christmas but it seems to me whenever I go there).... maybe not zillions...but you know what I mean...she has the greenest thumb I've ever seen. Or, it could be that she treats them a lot better.... actually adds new dirt and re-pots them sort of regularly...... my guys usually just live in the pot in which they appear....forever...... or, til they die. Tsk, shame on me....

About a month ago I noticed some tiny buds forming at most of the tips! That was pretty exciting for me and I wanted to do the right thing. It says in the info that they flower because of the reduced light and heat at this time of year...so I wanted to make sure "my guy" knew what time of year it was even though it lives in artificial light and heat. I moved it to the cooler, darker room... my craft room. The curtains are usually closed and lights off in there....

Now, it's back where I can admire the blooms...and if they fall off...well, c'est la vie. I am enjoying them for now...

AND.... this I can't believe. My Hoya got a new leaf! A real shocker because I definitely mistreated this poor little guy. It began as a cutting from an ancient Hoya my brother had.... and he had miles of it all around a window...that always bloomed and smelled so wonderful. For several years it was a bright, healthy green... but, to my disappointment, never did flower. One summer, early in the morning on a nice day, I decided to really dust and wash all my plants. Took them outside onto the sunny patio......you can see it already can't you? ..... sigh.....yes, I kind of "forgot" them for a few hours and the day turned into a blistering one. Ohhhh...my poor plants. I'm sure what happened to my Hoya was the equivalent of a severe sun burn. The leaves went all pale and dry looking...it never actually recovered. It never died...but never did grow another leaf. One spring, years after my cruelty, it sprouted a little stem thingy and all of a sudden a flower bunch appeared. Imagine my surprise. Every spring it flowers... and sometimes even twice a year I get that beautiful scent and a little flower bunch...always on the same stalk..which is now about 2 inches long. It just begins at the end of that stalk every time. I talk to it and tell it what an amazing little guy it is ... to sprout such a beautiful bloom after my cruel treatment. And, now... a leaf. Wow... I can't understand it or figure out why... but, I hope it continues .. Maybe I should break down and re-pot it...
This is really weird::: I looked back to check when my cactus bloomed last year and guess what? It was right now. Exactly to the day! I joked about it being the Thanksgiving Cactus for the American bloggers.... how amazing is that?
This is lovely.
I had one and gave it to my mum.
It bloomed beautifully.... then she left it outside.
Naturally it is now an ex-plant.
This is the second Christmas Cactus that I've seen! It's lovely. Thanks for sharing! :)
I've tagged you
Your Christmas cactus is gorgeous! I'm not sure I've seen anything like it. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving! *hugs* :)
Mine are covered in buds and should be in full bloom by xmas. I think it got it's name Christmas cactus because it blooms around xmas in it's area of origin, which is in a tropical area, or sub tropical like my area. Being so dar north, your winter temps and short days of daylight start earlier than for us.
Just beautiful..mine hasn't flowered for years..and I have a terrible record with indoor plants! I hope you get more flowers on your hoya..my grandmother had one creeping all around her front door. Gx
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