Couldn't wait to tell you about the ladies... my pin doll ladies and the real ladies who made them.
Doll Street has a pin doll swap every so often but this is the first time I've participated. Click to see all of the pins. Can't tell you how excited I was to see my own handwriting on the self addressed return label, on my own box the mailman delivered today. The same little box I used to send off my ladies to the "swap meet".
Silly me; must be an old softie...I have no idea why, but tears crept into my eyes and I couldn't even read the cards telling me who had taken the time and thoughtfulness to create each beauty! What an unusual and wonderful thing to be able to exchange a bit of ourselves with total strangers who have done the same for us.

You can't see it from this angle, but "love sings" travels around the side of this little gal.... her face is clay.... the little applique heart is felt.

This face is also clay and her headdress is extensively beaded... what a lot of stitching is involved in each of them. I have a great interest in eyes as anybody seeing my own faces knows... so the eyes on this one really intrigue me.
I will treasure them both and thank you so much Linda Misa and Susie McMahon ... both of my little ladies traveled all the way from Tasmania, Australia to Canada. Don't worry, when it gets to -30C here..I will wrap them in cotton wool!
The pin dolls are SO CUTE! wow!!! :) I want one. ;)
Thank you for sharing your treasures. "Love Sings" is a wonderful thought and the beaded headdress on that beautiful face is wonderful, too. I can see why you were moved, Vee. It is a special thing this Blogdom.
I can tell you really treasure these lovely dolls. WHat detail and thought the artist must have put into them!
Glad to know that my little pin has a happy home - kind regards, Linda.
Lovely pins! I love your inches too.
What amazing little treasures, V. I have yet to participate in a "hand made" swap, but I know it must be sheer joy to receive something so lovingly and so well made from other talented women. It's just another example of the marvels of the web. So many people say that those friends we meet through the internet are somehow less real than those we meet on our daily journey. But I beg to differ! Our amazing variety of blogosphere friends are as dear, as steadfast, as supportive and just as darned much fun as any friends could be!
You old softie! No, just kidding! What a fabulous surprise to receive in the mail.
I could have swore I left a comment on this entry yesterday. Good grief, I must be getting senile-LOL!
Love your pin dolls, both are darling and I particularly love the "Love Sings" one.
Yes, you definitely need a Bella to keep you company as you paint your cabinet doors! Can't wait to see pictures of yours when you are done. Do you think we will ever get our houses finished and can then spend all out time playing?
wow. These are wonderful. That elaborate beaded headdress is amazing.!
hey Sweet Vee, Thank you so much for your kind comment yesterday over here at 29 Black Street. Thank you for leaving a comment (rather than emailing me) I know you, you were using that public comment space, to brag me up a bit, to do a little sales & marketing on my behalf weren't you ? I really appreciate it ! I was thinking the Forget-Me-Nots would look nice in an off white cream frame, same colour as the mat and card stock - that's a particular framing style that I love or maybe a tarnished, burnished antique gold ?? I know whatever you decide will be perfect.
Thanks again and "what would" I do without you ?
xo, S, Miss D and those darn cats.
Hi Vee,
Yummmmm! Your peasant bread variations sound so yummy and I can't wait to hear more about how they turned out. I do think the consistency of this dough, the stickiness especially, is what helps it to be so lovely and chewy and help to create the holes and texture which make it so rustic looking. Please post photos. I've had a very busy day engrossed in my thumbnail drawings, absorbed in very shallow thinking - am having faux lobster rolls for dinner (thought you'd get a kick out of that) Faux being that imitation crab pollock stuff, on buttered toasted hotdog buns.
Love from all of us, S.
Thinking of you today. Hope all is well!
The Pin Dolls are wonderful and what a lovely suprise it must have been opening your treasures.
Hey Vee, not sure if you've been by Black Street today but I'm listening to Oprah's interviews with Jill Bolte Taylor and I was thinking that you would enjoy them because she talks about brain injuries (not just stroke victims). A lot about the many misconceptions and about how "we" treat people who's brains are coming back from an injury. It's fascinating stuff. Was thinking of your sister and her struggles after her fall. There's a link to listen on today's post. She's also written a book. xo, S.
The pin dolls are so beautiful!
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