An "inchie" is just that.... one inch by one inch. Here is my first that is almost late for this two week period. Inchies with HATs is the theme.

I've never tried drawing anything on a scale this tiny...but was surprised to find I could actully get plenty of detail. However, I can see I'll have to practice using a steadier hand...hahahha...if you peer at it too intently, you will detect plenty of wobbly lines! Practice makes perfect they say..... there are those darn "they" people again.... "they" are just everywhere these days it seems.
My little lady is on watercolour paper... first did a pencil outline of features..then coloured with watercolour pencils... dry. Just added a bit of moisture on a q-tip to smooth out the blush... brushed the edges and corners on a brown stamp pad.
Very cute little inchie.
O Vee you are so talented...everything Ive seen you make is wonderfu. Im envious. I cant imagine trying to drw something that small without my eyes falling out !
you amaze me!!
That's gorgeous and TINY
fyi, back when I was learning to write very tiny (as in within the blue line on the notebook paper) I found that if you actually hold your pencil MORE LOSELY your line is generally straighter. Gripping too tightly causes wavy lines. Crazy but true.
Oh she is gorgeous - and hand-drawn too - you are very talented - glad you found us and thanks for joining in.
Wow- that is a lot of detail in a 1x1 inch area... Do you always make your girl faces with green eyes? (Just curious) I have brown eyes and always wished they were any OTHER color! LOL
What a tiny little face! And so darling. But then your faces are always wonderful.I really do admire those of you that can work in small scale. And here I am working on a gecko that is the size of my long work table- Talk about extremes! LOL!
This is lovely, so much detail on such a small area. You must have a very steady hand. The first inchie I have ever seen, I am intrigued, so will investigate further. x
Very lovley.
Caution tres long comment ahead. Wink.
Hey Vee, I've got to tell you it's terrible in these parts to find "anyone" to do "anything" - honestly. The best thing a person can do here is to hire real professional companies - you know the kind that have ads in the yellow pages, who employ people who show up when their suppose to, and who call if they have to cancel ... trouble is those companies cost more. You always get what you pay for and I only have so much money that I can spare. I have put in calls recently to three local guys (chimney sweep, plumber, and tree chopper, vine remover guy) and that's my budget for the time being.
I'm sure that I've also misled you 'cause I'm not talking about a bit of mowing and a bit of weed whacking here and there. I'm talking about clearing of overgrown hayfields (a fenced in dog yard the size of a building lot), a small overgrown back forest, a vine covering half of my roof and a very large chopped up tree lying prone in my yard from a last October storm. We're talkin' equipment here.
The real point of all of it is - I need to escape from this life ... and I don't know how to. That's what undoes me - the not knowing how to escape.
And I do appreciate, so much, all your suggestions, your humour and warmth ... so keep em comin' please.
Lots of Love, S, Winn & Les Chats
Just precious.
I won't try anything that small but I would love to try what you did, with the drawing process.
Miss Mari-Nanci
She is so delicate. I almost see tears just about to spill down her cheeks. Must be the wobbly lines giving that sense of fragility.
'They' ARE everywhere, so watch out! : )
Your little Lady is lovely ~ so much detail and
you must have good eye sight to be able to
do this.
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