Of course, here in the foothills, it does come and go. We do have warmer and cooler weeks...and occasional Chinooks where a 20 degree temperature climb in the space of several hours is not unusual. But..overnight, the temperature dropped to -20C ... we got 3 or 4 inches of snow...and today the wind is whipping the fine snow off the rooftops... at about 30kph. When I stand near the house it covers my chocolate coloured toque like icing sugar from a sifter; I feel like dessert!

This little pile of leaves seemed to be huddling close to the foundation.

This little guy either got blown away from the group or was making a break for it...trying for under the shed I think. If he makes it that far...he will find some more buddies there. .
It is always so quiet after a new snow.... the sounds of car tires and even engines are muffled and you hardly know they are there till you see movement out of the corner of an eye. Jet planes, on the other hand... scream like you would not believe as they go by... it is so loud, you just have to look up. Some geese were honking around... and around...and around... seemed like they couldn't decide whether to stay or go... then off they flew to the south. They could be back at the end of the week if it warms up. They don't seem to go far..and more and more of them don't bother going anywhere at all. People feed them and they have some open water in the parks and golf courses...so they can survive, although I am sure a lot do not. I just love hearing them ... honking and calling... it gives me goose bumps... aahahahhah..I just realized what I said... goose bumps... that was funny. I was going to change it and then thought... why would I? ...it was funny! I crack me up.
The sun broke through the clouds while I spent almost an hour out there shoveling... (we live on a corner lot; there is city sidewalk all around, plus a big driveway)... and it did warm a bit.. plus, I was plenty warm shoveling, believe me. When I go out in the cold..I dress for it. Not like when I lived in small town B.C. and we tried to look Gucci even at -30C. Ridiculous. We were trying to emulate big city folk...thinking they still looked fashionable in severely cold weather I guess. My first ride on a city bus when I came here was a hoot. I laughed right out loud when I boarded. People bundled up so much you could not tell male from female. Huge scarves, toques, ear muffs, proper northern weather parkas with hoods that come so far forward you can't see skin..with real fur ... huge mukluks or a pair of Sorels ... clever people!! My kind of town!! It's great. Each to his own and nobody gives a rip what you wear; as it should be. Of course, not everybody dresses for the weather.. but, lets face it... some people are just out of touch with reality and their surroundings anyway.
When it gets reeeelly cold I look like a miniature lilac Michelin Man or Sta Puffed Marshmallow.. waddling down the street in my various layers of clothes, full length down parka, my knee high shearling lined boots, fur lined mitts, a light coat of vaseline on my face as protection against freezing wind. Today is nothing like that...but if it comes..I am ready.
I am working on a little something for my 100th post...which is ...soon. Obviously I am a wind bag....
Still smiling over the "goose bumps!" We are not too snowy here, but bundling up all the same! Have a blessed day!
kari & kijsa
We dress like that too! I can see you now!
My 100th post is coming too soon as well. Maybe I can delay it by slowing down a little. Not you, though, I have a feeling you're up to something very special.
Good for you to dress properly. I dressed the way I had yesterday...just a hoodie. Big mistake! What a difference a day makes...oh, and do you think you could hold onto that cold air up there? I hate those Canadian highs. LOL!
Hi Vee, so sorry I haven't been around much lately.. i started treatments for my neuropathy six weeks ago and they have thrown me for a loop... i haven't forgotten your trivia surprise...it's already to travel and as soon as i get to the post .. it will be on its way! Hope all is well there and you are staying warm!
Hugs, Linda
Hi Vee, I feel frozen just reading your post. Here in the south of England we don't get weather anyway near as severe as this, although I can still get pretty cold when I am out in the garden during winter time. Thanks so much for reading some of my older posts, I was very surprised to find one on my clematis. I do hope you can find the same if not similar for yourself to remind you of happy times. I didn't connect the name Vee with Veronica, but very nice to meet my mum's namesake. Louise x
Winter in my area means I have to wear shoes and socks instead of my flip flops-LOL! So far winter has not arrived in FL. Still running my air conditioning and wearing shorts and tees. And insteasd of shoveling snow, I am still pulling weeds in my flower beds. But I spent most of my life dealing with long, cold, snowy midwest winters, and like you- I dressed to stay warm and to hell with fashion.
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