Friday, October 16, 2020

I'm locked out ...sort of...........

Telus Google account and therefore Blogger has obviously changed in my account somehow ....  but, for some reason, I can type posts... publish posts... but not sign in... arrrgghhh.  It takes me to a page that gives me access through a temporary thing-me-jig.... arrrggghhhh!  Not what I need. 

I'll be busy trying to figure it out .... I can't comment on anybody's blog... cuz I can't get signed in....sorry!

meantime ..let's see if I can get a photo ...

    Bernie decided he need to exercise ..he was getting fat just sitting on the windowsill and waiting for kids to show up to wave at.... 

    But, even the 5 lb. weight is too heavy for him.  He says it squishes his tummy...he can't lift it... and, is demanding I find him something smaller.  

Hey, I got it.....yaaaaayyyy ....