Monday, February 18, 2019

remember Gwendolyn?

I made her back when....

........when I found Black Eyed Suzie's dolls online; absolutely was smitten and reeelly, reeeellly wanted one.  But, I couldn't afford one  They were way too expensive for me.  So, I decided I could make myself one in her style.  I do that.

She took me awhile.  I was looking back at old photos and see months went by between the start of her and the completion.  Seems I was laid up for a good portion of that season too...with a wonky arm...and it was not the result of accident, but surgery, on my ganglion cluster on the same arm that is now broken.  Good grief !!

She is air dry paper clay over wire and tin foil.'s Gwendolyn ....something for show and tell ...

oops, sorry....perhaps I should have given her some panties for the photo.

Here are some of Suzie's in case you don't know of her dolls.  I still love them and hope to make more some day.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

ooooh - I absolutely love Gwendolyn's face!! What a perfect expression. And I can't imagine turning those little tiny arms &

Lin said...

Oh...WOW! She is amazing! And I cannot imagine doing those itty bitty skinny legs. Yikes! You did Suzy's dolls justice.

Shashi Nayagam said...

She is adorable Vee. Hope your arm is mending nicely

Anna said...

She is wonderful, very graceful and serious. How is your wrist? I wote you from email.