Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

I haven't been very regular in postings for Wild Bird Wednesdays ... but, on occasion I get a pretty capture and want to share it with here it is for today.

If you want to check out beautiful or unusual birds ... please go to Stewart's blog ...

Please meet Mister and Missus Chirpy ....  aka House Finches.  They have a lovely warbly sing song which is why we call them Chirpies.....they seem to hang around during our winters... but, we don't see them all the time.

Click on any photo to get a closer look at them ...

Right now they are coming to the seed feeder along with sparrows, chickadees, nuthatches and a lone Pine Siskin.  There was a horrible accident one day with my damn kitchen window and a lovely little lady White Winged Crossbill.  She flew full tilt into it and killed herself immediately.  I did go right out to retrieve her and bought into the house in a shoebox to see if she could revive.  Many hours later she had not moved at all..    I cried.  She was so pretty and so dead.  My only good thought was that it must have been instantaneous and that she didn't suffer unnecessarily.  Mister BV had to dispose of her...I couldn't do it.  Poor little thing.

Anyway ... on to another photo of Mister Chirpy ...

Here is a nice clear one of himself ... him I can identify immediately...but, unless I am looking through my camera lens..I am not always sure if the Missus is a sparrow or if she is a Chirpy.  They are smaller than our sparrows but unless you see them side by's hard to tell.  And, she is mostly browns....

Here is Mister Chirpy and a sparrow having a chat .... you can see the size difference ..  and Missus Chirpy is even more elegant, somewhat leaner, and a bit smaller overall than her mister.

Here is the link to Wild Bird Wednesday if you would like to join in with a photo of your own .. or just have a peek at other birdies.....


Mac n' Janet said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, we're a bit better, but still coughing.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Beautiful birds!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

You get such beautiful pictures of your birds! Alas every single one of our windows (we only have three) are fully screened and pictures are terrible. If we could only remove the screens, but they're pretty much permanently attached. The minute I open the balcony door the birds fly off. I guess I'll just have to satisfy myself with looking at yours!

Twiglet said...

Happy New Year V. I hope it's a healthy one for you too. I love the bird pics - we used to have siskins and red polls at our old house. Just braving a wet day to meet up with Maxine and Ben for lunch. All the best. x Jo

Neil said...

Nice to see the two different species together.

BeadedTail said...

I'm sorry about the poor lady Crossbill. How sad. I would've cried too. A lot. I love watching the birds and cringe when I hear one hit a window. I haven't found any seriously injured yet thankfully. Mr. Chirpy is a very handsome guy though! We had snow last Sunday and the birds were out in full force. The robins were flying all over and driving Angel batty! It was really fun to watch her reaction to them though.

Karen said...

you capture these little beauties so well...