This is for all the Magpie lovers out there .... and, those of you who have never seen one in real life...or who have trouble tracking one down for a photo op.... they photo bomb plenty of pics of the little birdies 'round these parts..... they are real rascals!
But, they are also a lot of fun.
Check out this guy.
He saw the Flicker hanging out on the new suet feeder and figured .. what the hey... I'll butt right in and have a go at that great smelling stuff. (It's got peanut butter and bugs.)
He landed in the Hawthorn tree right beside the Flicker and got his wish. The Flicker didn't like being watched and left.
"Now, let me see..... how did he do this?" ... "Open sesame" .....

"Nope... not the right password I guess"...
"Maybe this side"..
"Damn tail....keeps slipping off the rest"....
"Okay then..... .. how about some mid air strikes?".....
"Brother.... this is a lot of effort".... I'm not exactly a hummingbird"...
"Hovering is tricky with this bulk" ....

"Whew..... that's enough. Maybe I'll just check under it now to see if I managed to knock off a few bits" ....
"What the ...? ... not even a crumb? .... man, this is way too much effort" ..
"I give up ... maybe I'll just hang out and wait for the messy sparrows to drop some seeds on the ground instead"...... sigh.................................................
"Hey guys?... ... where are ya? ...... c'mon I'll let you use the seed feeder .. honest. I'm definitely not going to try for seeds.... that'd be even sillier than the suet feeder"....... please? .... I'll be good. I promise. Come back".
Check out Wild Bird Wednesday.
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These are great! And your commentary is so funny. Thanks for sharing more photos of this beautiful, determined bird. Btw, I'm down to posting once or twice a week also. Busy time of year.
I love magpies and just like you not getting cardinals, we don't get magpies. I was real happy when we saw them flying around on a holiday back in the summer. Such pretty birds! Great photos and your commentary made me chuckle. I think you do wonderfully with your posting by the way. Life just has to take priority at times. Always happy to see you when you have the time to post.
Our magpies aren't popular with a lot of people, as they raid the nests of smaller birds ..... but I think they are super birds!
That's a pretty black and white bird! But I've never seen one of them before. Very funny! And poor guy that has to wait for the others to make a mess.
What fun! They might be annoying birds, but this one is a definite ham.
Very funny!
Under our suet feeder, the juncos and wrens scavenge for crumbs. But a couple of wrens did learn to use it.
Wonderful shots of this handsome bird!
Such a cute post! You can see how hard he's trying!:-)
He gets an "A" for effort. I see nothing wrong with once a week posting. Quality over quantity.
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
Stunning images of the magpie.
The last picture I find totally amazing.
Best regards, Irma
Love, love, LOVE the commentary with your photos!!! Such an enjoyable post.
They are smart birds. I love watching them.
He sure gave it a lot of effort! We enjoyed this post too!
Hi Vee,
Great post and snaps of the magpie.
I remember having to walk through a park on the way to school and when they were nesting they became aggressive and angry when we walked by.
Happy Sunday
Hi Vee, your magpie is so cute, clever and pretty.
A gorgeous post :D)
Great series of images and commentary!
We don't have Magpies here in Florida but their Crow cousins are equally mischievous.
Great to see this guy, Vee... we don't have them in these parts. Great shots!!
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