Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's still Thursday...

... and, so.....I give you Good Fences.  And, good boy Mickey!  I love to see things behind and in front of fences to make them more interesting.

Your nose is almost the size of Africa... I only say that because of the map on the end of it... looks like Africa...

Awwwww .... he wanted to have a reeeeellly close look at the lens...

And, look...   he is a normal horse.  Beautiful really.  And, a nice rail fence behind this time...

I was visiting my sister on her little farm.... and she moved the big guy around to mow the grass here and there over the week... but, he is pretty good at mowing and had to be moved back before too long or he got too much of the "good stuff"....

He's like a very big vacuum cleaner.

Why not have a look at the Good Fences on the Run *A* Round Ranch blog... how 'bout adding one of your own sometime? ..


Hootin Anni said...

LOL.....If only I could reach through the monitor and pet that wonderful, soft, nuzzle.

Adorable, fun post. I ♥ horses.

Great fence too.

Gerald (SK14) said...

love the african nose

Nan G said...

Love your pics. I really like the angles the fences make in the 2nd shot. They come together behind person. Very nice.

TexWisGirl said...

i love his nose mark! so cute! sweet photos. thanks, bumblevee!

Bob Bushell said...

Love it, a nose like Africa, it's nice.

Bonny Bonafilla said...

What a sweet horse. I love his map of Africa nose. All the best, Bonny

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

He is quite handsome with that unique nose! Very nice fence, too. I love visiting you and seeing your sweet bears and dolls! Sweet hugs, Diane

Gail Dixon said...

It does look like Africa! Great set of photos. Enjoy your weekend. :)

Gert said...

Love his Africa nose."lol a What a beautiful horse..behind those nice fences!


Meggie said...

He really is a beautiful horse...thanks for stopping by to see my "Good Fences"

cedarmerefarm said...

This is a very fun post. I enjoyed seeing your scenery through your perspective. :). BTW, the horse is beautiful.

Lin said...

What a sweetie! I can almost feel that soft nose....mmmmmm.....

BeadedTail said...

What a beautiful horse! We don't see many of those around here!

TexWisGirl said...

(missed you this week for good fences, but thanks for coming by today!)

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a beautiful horse!
Yes, he has an african nose. Lol!