and, I have excuses....which I'm sure nobody wants to hear ...
But... Friday was a busy, fun day... mostly out of town, but when I did get home, I had fun mail to open.
Dolores (a quilter in eastern Canada) sent me a big parcel of whites and off whites... thanks so much Dolores.... they are already being tested and tried in various areas of my wrapping cloth. Wheeee, what fun.... I'm like a kid in a candy store with things like this! some folks probably think I'm nuts...but, little things do make me happiest. As a matter of fact, my life is really just made up of little things...
I wish there could be a worldwide swap meet to trade our good stuff..... (besides that it would be fun to finally meet our blog and crafting buddies, wouldn't it?) The perfect way to re-purpose our stash of stuff we no longer need and get the colours and other bits and pieces that we need now... this week..or for our latest adventures and endeavours.... you bloggers and crafters know what I'm talking about...I know you do!
My other fun piece of mail was this from
Twiglet. An ATC to mark the 4th anniversary of WOYWW... What? You don't know what it means? What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday that's what! For 4 years now the girls have been snooping into each other's lives and working spaces (not always a hobby room either).... at the urging of Julia Dunnit of
Stamping Ground... hahha...and, if you think yours is a disaster should see some of these fun places! Check up on them sometime to see what others are creating.....maybe add your 'stuff'..... the group is growing every day.
Gwendolyn said she wanted to help display my ATC. As usual, don't be fooled by that face...she really does love it...honest Jo ...... (I myself have to laugh...or at the very least, grin, when I look at her.... that look...hahahhah.. oh, boy, I need to make another just like her for sure... )
See how gently she's holding it? ..... the model of perfection she is... (She thinks she's still pretty hot, so I have to praise her all the time.)
Twiglet works with tiny bits and pieces of lovely scraps just like I'm trying to do. Look, embroidery too ...... she makes beautiful things.
And....I'm still stitching away on my own lovely bits and pieces given me by friends and acquaintances from around the world...thanks everybody again... I hope every so often when I show something you recognize a fragment here or there that you sent me. This is going to be a special cloth. Totally made from fabric given me to start a stash of whites and off whites so I can make several of these...and, hopefully one day as well...some dainty, tiny pin pillows as Karen calls them. Pin cushions to the rest of us....

And, one more little thing.... my flowers are blooming, the landscapers have gone away...the grass was ready for its first cutting and wow... a lot of little things really came together this past week.....yaaaayyyyyyyy. Luckily most of the plants are perennials... it's been so wet I've only been able to get out twice to weed and tidy. The landscapers sprinkled bark mulch on some growing things and I still have to dig them out from under...but, ..for looks good in pictures... and the new bark smells great. You can see the garden has been dug out a bit.... less grass and now, there is still more space to plant things...... ooooh....goody..... more little things... some plants and flowers next.