But, everywhere I looked there was more to see; ... more to photograph. Turn your head to the side while waiting for a green light...and hey! look at that beautiful window! stop ... look at that neat door! ..wow.... look at that.... whoa... just a minute........ I was worse than a little kid.
All of a sudden ... we were at Obidos.... a medieval town with castle...
And.... there just happened to be ....a chocolate festival going on!
All along the cobbled street, vendors and the tiny regular shops had chocolate goodies to delight vistors. I can't believe we didn't take a picture of the tiny chocolate cups containing our strong sweet alcoholic beverage! Maria.... what was it called again ?? UPDATE:: it is called Ginja or Ginjinha... and is made from cherries... thanks Maria.
Like I said...keep looking ...sideways... behind..UP..... definitely up... and see it all...... or miss plenty! How would you like this for your little morning coffee balcony. People lived in these quaint places.
It was becoming afternoon....and the light from the sun.....wow.....
I think this is Wisteria (although I first thought Laburnum, but have only seen that in yellow) from having seen some on Lines from Linderhof ... and also on Sylvia's blog Cosiness.
Just heading into the castle itself after wandering through the cobbled streets of the little medieval town..
.... hurry....sun going down soon........
... ahhhhh....this little guy has the right idea. Last rays of the day's warm sunshine..... his own private bench. Cats have it all figured out.
Hahahhaha...how incongruous. All part of the candy and chocolate theme of the festival... but, still..... made you laugh out loud really.
Looking out from the parapet .... those serfs are a long way dowwwwnnn.........

... out the other side and back into the little town within the castle walls.... such steep pathways and roads.
Yes.... the cars were driving up from somewhere and popping out of these little things! One guy totally burned out a clutch...we could smell it for quite a while after walking past his car.

Goodbye Obidos.... whoooooo...and goodbye plenty of chocolate goodies. By then we were wired and could have gone on all night I think....But... it was time to head for home. M & J's place in Portugal that is..... our beautiful home away from home.