Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Photo of the Week

"Favourite things" is the theme this week.     " favourite - something regarded with special favor or liking" .   That meaning (of several I found) seems to be a good one in my case.  Lots of little or pretty simple things in my life interest me ... make me smile ...give me a giggle, and it seems I tend to list them as favourite things. Where to begin?  I have lots ....      food (baking and cooking) ...  flowers.... bears.... dolls... golf ... ACEOs (art cards, editions and originals) .....

Sometimes it's not even necessary to say too much..... some photos speak for themselves...... however, let me just say something about these beautiful tiny pastels done by a Russian artist and friend that I met online several years ago.  She sent the pics to see which one I could I not want both? ... The cat is her own.... she drew many pics of Czenia... and I now have both of these.  I'm sure you'll agree that they are pretty darn amazing.  Click to biggify and see the detail ....

Peonies from my garden...

Buttercup...needle felted from KoolAid dyed wool.  Beads for "dreds" ...

..of course, Scratty Eddy and his cute and interesting little face ...  and his tea drinking buddy Scruffy....

..speaking of tea.... how 'bout tea and scones?  The name of my other blog...and another favourite thing...baking....

...simple, yet very effective... for fav season just for the glitz; the glamour; the beautiful decorations .... the fun creating ...... the perfect way to break up the toooo many months of cold weather....

Let's not forget breads. Brother ....I could go on all day couldn't I?
I've just learned to bake breads the past few years...and oh, I love home baked breads!  My very most "favourite-est" of favourites .... ..... lol....... and, now...I'm off to do some jumping jacks....hahahahha ........ NOT.......!!

Panettone anybody?

There you are.  I better stop.  Never just one for photo of the week with me...always several.  I should do something more organized with my photos some day...... I have hundreds...nope....I have thousands..... and I just can't hit the delete button..............


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Love all your favourite things, your photos are great.
The cat drawings are amazing, so lifelike, and she is so talented.


Beedeebabee said...

Hi Vee! Lots of ooohs and yumminess here! Great favorites!
xo Paulette

Shashi Nayagam said...

You are right the cat paintings are wonderful so very realistic. You are indeed lucky to own them.
Love your other favourite things. Can you tell me if you have the recipe for the cake third one from the bottom? It looks so light and yummy. Is it a coffee cake or a chocholate cake? I normally don't care for chocolate cakes but if this is a chocolate cake it looks delicious and not too chocolatey.

Daisy said...

Scratty Eddy and Scruffy are my favorites; they look like they would be kind friends.

Shelly said...

Your cat pics are amazing as well as all your pics...your work is always so nice to look at...and the food side of you is yummy looking, I think I can almost taste them...Shelly

Twiglet said...

Oh beautiful blog!! What fab photos of such gorgeous things!!! I could eat all of them - well maybe not little buttercup and her friends! The cat pics are amazing - thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love Buttercup best! My list of favourite things would easily be as long as yours (but no warm woollen mittens and whiskers on kittens!!)

Elenka said...

I was just ready to go to bed and now I'm starved and I'm blaming it all on you!

Kea said...

Thanks so much for visiting my Fuzzy Tales blog!

The cat pastels are gorgeous. Just lovely.

So are all the photos, and oh, the food....I love to eat, does that count? :-)