Monday, December 28, 2009

Photo a Week....

That was very funny Elenka! She commented that the sink saga was not the "normal sugar plumbs"... hahahha... ain't it the truth!

My job was pretty simple compared to his ...seeing as the space is not large enough for two bodies... except when I had to squeeze in to help hold up the piping every so often.

Mostly it was ... pass me the crimpers... pass the cutters... can you hold this piece? .. where's my snack?, just kidding... but, while he was under the sink...I had a few little mice keeping me company. I got some heads glued into the shells.. ears on ... and gave them some heavy kitchen string for tails. These are sort of country type mice... versus the others that have shiny cord for tails and golden ribbons to hang by ... the city mice.

We both live in our 'jammies when at home... they are so much more comfy than tight jeans for scrooching and squatting when you are doing things.

woooohoooooo .... by 5:00 p.m. .... I was back in action. A sink is something you don't really even think about....til it's not working.

We toasted our success ...and then I scrounged around and found some leftovers in the 'fridge.... supper was simple and wonderful. My Sugar did indeed plumb .....


Jennifer Rose said...

aww those are cute :D
if I could wear my pjs all the time I would, it is def. so much better then "normal" clothing

Elenka said...

You are so funny. "My Sugar did indeed plumb..."
I wish my sugar even knew how to plumb....or even knew how to electric......
Oh well....
PJ's have been my uniform big time since Christmas. Christmas was exhausting but wonderful....kind of like....well, you know.

Unknown said...

The little mice are so cute! I love the country mice. The country mouse was always my favorite when I read country/city mouse stories. Of course, that's probably because I could relate... lol

Glad you got your plumbing fixed. ;o)

Linda Fleming said...

Woo Hoo! Mission accomplished and you now have a sink.

I love jammies and have been wearing them for a week now... brrr... it's cold here right now and flannel pjs are so warm and comfy.

Linda Fleming said...

I forgot I had a question-LOL
Those darling little bear ornaments- did you make those out of clay? They're just precious!

Sue said...

Ah, those little bear ornies are so cute! So glad that you have your sink fixed now!

Linda Fleming said...

I meant these ornaments in this post. Just reread the post after reading your comment on my blog and now see where you said they were mice-LOL I just thought after you guzzled the booze down toasting your sink success you were drunk and meant to say bears-LOL!!! ;) Whatever species they are, they're darling and look sculpted. You are so clever and talented, my friend.

Serena Lewis said...

YAY for completing the plumbing job! And those little mice are darling!!!! I love wearing my PJs....much more comfortable than clothes! I don't get to hang about in my PJs much through the day, however, come 5pm, I'm right into them! :)

HElen said...

Those mice are SO adorable! What a wonderful idea and such great outcome :)

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

lol. Those mice are adorable!

Dolores said...

My, my you guys sure are busy during the holidays.
I know those mice. I have a few relatives hanging from my tree.