So.... .....

.... I waved my magic glue wand... wielded my trusty scissors and, stuffed, tucked and cursed a few times..okay...several times....and, finally managed to make it into this......

Today I'm wielding my gun again...glue tube that is... .... with some of the draping of the dress... .... and... wondering how to make her hair behave. I've half a mind not to send her now... but, as Abi says...after all the work I've done..I'd better send her. I just hate the thought of her hair being all messy and spoiling the overall look. I will try some hair spray...but, even then....I don't know. This mohair is so fine and fly-away.... don't think I'll be sending many ... or...the next one will have a hat or a helmet.
You are so clever Vee. It looks great!
o.0 that chair looks great! it looks so different with the fabric on it :)
Wow, what a chair! Super job!
OMG! Look how you transformed that chair! Bravo! Great job, Vee. It looks fantastic.
Wow it is looking lovely your dolly will be very pleased with it.
You are so talented woman. People will be so impressed with her and her regal chair, they'll not notice her hair a little 'wind swept'!
I'm in awe at the transformation you made with the chair! Wonderful!
What a beautiful transformation! Great job, are so talented!
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