Today I have a few photos of another bird that has a bit of red colour on its head and breast area. Well, of course, only the males have the blush of pink on the breast ...
It is called a Common Red Poll, although, like some others with that word 'Common' in their names ... not really common at all... certainly not to me. In reality, they are quite cute and really quite beautiful in colouration.
Very tiny compared to a sparrow...even compared to a chickadee.....more the size of a little Nuthatch.
I love them. We haven't seen them around before.. and, now ...we've seen about 5 or 6 hanging about in the past few days. My neighbour was trying to explain them to me as she had them at her feeder... and I thought she was talking about the House Finches when she mentioned some reds in the colouring...but she did say they had the streakings of a Pine Siskin... so was very happy they showed up here as well and I got to identify and also to get some lovely photos of them.
Click on the photo to see them even closer....

Look at the pretty colours....this shows off the "blush of pink" they speak of on the breasts of the males.
This little one was clearly showing me the Poll or cap on his head... either that or he was busy napping or thinking intently.... or maybe he spied a seed or something....

They definitely like the black oil sunflower seeds....
Check out Stewart's blog for more birds ...
Just click on the Wild Bird Wednesday pic to be transported directly there....