Seeing as I have pretty much photographed all the little guys that do come around...I am digging up one from my archives... man, that makes it feel oollldddd.... but, it was only from the past summer or fall ....
I thought it was so cute that they were sharing... as not all birds seem to like doing that. Nobody likes to sit beside a sparrow. I've taken to calling them the "stinky sparrows" for that very reason. somebody else calls little brown guys she can't immediately remember the names of; LBJ ... and no, that is not the 'Lyndon guy'... it means Little Brown Job...... which I thought was so cute; likely the reason I remembered it. If I like a word, or find it interesting...I remember it. Like, say, pingueculum ... who would remember that word? Me. That's who. And, especially if my eye guy said it. I need to know what is going on.
Sorry, I digress...hahahha..... as is my usual, of course, if you know me. I call it round-about thinking..... you know, where one thing leads to another until you forget what the beginning of the conversation was all about and you can't remember how you got on that particular topic at all.... sometimes, a lot of detective thinking later, you do all of a sudden remember what you actually wanted to say, but, by then, the other somebody has gone home, or it is 2:00 am......
Now, where was I ? oh, yeh..... birds!!
The cute little Black Capped Chickadee and the White Breasted Nuthatch..... the nuthatches always hang upside down like that. Never seen one upright ...oh, well, one time..on the wall...and I didn't even recognize what it was in that unusual position.
Click on it to see them a bit bigger if you like.

I'm linking this up to Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday.... check out the great birds they have all been seeing and photographing...