Friday, August 16, 2013

Pin pillow

.... or pin cushion if you like....  WARNING:::: photo heavy ..... hahhahahhahahah....

I love it!!

Began it over a week ago as a break from the blocks of my wrapping cloth.  Well, and also, because all the others in the Simply Stitch group were making some... one girl made 6 already...whew...she must be 'da bomb' seamstress!  Me?  Well, I'm Slowpoke Rodrigues myself.... but, that's okay....

And, for me it began with a cutout window of cardboard.... I wanted to try to get an idea of how things might look when completed.  My window is 3" X 4".

Some decisions, ....     placing and piecing of fabrics ...  including a piece of Dupioni silk, some FME (Free Motion Embroidery) to hold all in position.  Then,  cross stitched some tiny hearts onto the silk ...they remind me of strawberries .. ..., some edging of the very plain flat lace on the right side with frilly picot stitches to make it more interesting, buttonhole edging of the top corner piece, placement of a cut off tab from a large stiff pretty collar piece from Maggi's cousin and lots of French knots here and there voilà... my pin pillow begins to take shape.

After decorating it with more knots and stitching it went to the machine.  Which is where I usually stall out totally.... have to check to see I have it threaded right... put some matching thread on a bobbin... but, check page 13 of the manual to see if I have the thread in the proper place to do that... then, actually practice a bit on a scrap to see if I can more or less make a straight line..which by the way, is more harrowing than just haphazardly doing some FME... stitched 3 sides on the machine...turned it ..and oh, ... was I happy with the look!   Sometimes I do take a long time to make decisions it seems ...but, in the end ... am usually very happy with all of it... so, no time wasted really.

Stuffed and finished.

Dupioni silk for the backing.

Frilly picot stitch along the plain lace trim.

Little cross stitched hearts that look like strawberries to me.

Edged in buttonhole lace stitch.  Finishes it off perfectly.  And, there you have first pin cushion.  Yay me!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cabbage butterflies...

... they are pretty little things... they like to visit my colourful flowers in the pots.


Wow!!  the middle of August already!  Where has the summer gone?  We had a pretty wet one and now?...really hot.  Yesterday we golfed in +29C .... and today it is supposed to be the same.... not golfing today that's for sure.  Not that I usually golf two days in a row do the old farts do it?  Oh, yeh...I am an old fart, I should should know this one.... but, I don't.  Some of them must have a lot more oomph than I have, that's all I can say.

Still doing a bit of stitching here and there .... but, not regularly, and have taken a bit of a break from the wrapping cloth pieces.  I have decided to try my hand at making a little pin cushion...not showing til it is finished though....

However, here is a bit of the stitching I was doing on the wrapping cloth piece.... utility stitches...patching .. and just making things pretty ... we were making little squares but, this time folding the edges over on the working side..  I stitched one onto the hanky corner... added some knots and then thought about tucking one just under the corner ...

Then, I got to thinking it might look cute added on to the first little square on top of the hanky corner instead of underneath it... still deciding....

The lacy edged hanky is one my Mom gave me many years ago... it has been hiding in a drawer ...  as so many beautiful pieces usually do.  Karen's suggestion is...why not use it in our project.  Give it new life and enjoy it .... even if we have to cut it to incorporate it into our creation.  I'm betting my Mom would love the way it fits in with all the other pretty pieces I have gathered and used in my little project.  She was always our biggest cheerleader and supporter no matter what we attempted in our lives....I'm sure she would be thrilled to know I kept my hanky (well, not just this one either, ... ...but, all of them that she gave me over the years) and am now getting to use them like this.  She wouldn't be totally surprised at my keeping them in pristine condition ...that was always my way..... I had dolls and things I never played with...just kept and looked at and enjoyed in their new condition... I was a strange kid....

After I added French knots and a few other stitches to the square ...I turned it over and thought.... gee if I am going to leave it loose... you will see the messy under side... maybe I'll just cover the stitching with a piece of silk to make it look nicely finished ...

 I did.  There now.... nice and tidy underneath as well.  Love and devotion, as Karen would say..... care and attention to detail.... always me anyway....... and, just like Karen, I'm kind of proud of that in me.  Sure, some folks find it strange... but, there you have it.  It's good to like your own quirks and foibles don'tcha think?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Check out Mary Ann's give away...

Blog buddy Mary Ann is giving away a cross stitch book...  you know you want one if you stitch at all... so go over and get in on the fun...

She has been pretty lucky herself with winning things in give aways ever since I have been a follower of her blog... and I always give her a bad time.... hhaha... poor Mary Ann... she's got me for a blog buddy!

No stitching today.... helping build a platform for the drill press.... it had one on the workbench once... can't remember why we took it apart...but, now...we need to use the drill press and it needs to be somewhere stable and at the right ..we found some lumber in our stash in the shed...and plans are being drawn up as I type.  Oh, oh... caught.... need to go lift the heavy bugger...... no more fooling around on here..... later.......

Friday, August 2, 2013


Just wanted to show you a nice photo of some scenery along the Trans Canada highway.  Taken a few years ago actually.... click to'll enjoy it more.... it's pretty out there ....

 .... because.....    all I have to show other than that .... embroidery!!!!!!!!!!  hahahha...yeh....I know ... sorry, it is all I am doing lately other than playing golf...and I say 'playing' because that is all I am really doing....not golfing...just playing at it.  I'm a lousy golfer... but, I love going out there ... I am working on some thread wrapping and some French knots along one of the seams of my cloth...

There ya have it.... that's all for today.... not much I know....