I declare it summer!! As usual in this area.... we jump straight from snow and cold to +27C ... too hot too soon! We just have no easing into it.. No spring to wear the cute little booties I bought... darn it. Now ..it's sandal weather already. Well, it was earlier today. Then, at supper time it kicked up rough. Wind, rain and thunder. So, I shut down the computer for a few hours til the weather blew itself out. Now... sunny and calm as can be. The house is up to +24.5C so I have all the windows open to cool things down a bit before bed.
Our theme this week is our work space. First... let me show you this sweet, clean looking little vignette. Why am I showing you this? ......
You'll know soon enough.......
Here's my favourite corner of my craft room as I call it. It's tidy and organized and I think it looks pretty. See how I moved my cute little 10 cent garage sale blue vase into the room as I wandered in to take some photos? That's one of my little snowdrop anemones from my garden... dozens of them in bloom already. Even if we have the shortest growing season in the world once things get going... they go! They all know they have to hurry up or else... yeh, I am dawdling....... standing in the doorway... not really wanting to take the pics I guess...but, here we go...
.......I resisted the urge to even tidy....so, here it is looking at the big picture .... squint a bit and it looks okay...sorta.....
I usually just shove some stuff to one side or the other ... and use about one square foot of space to play in. Or.... take a handful of stuff out to the kitchen and sit there. I do love my special room... really I do. And, I appreciate it. It's just weird how I gravitate back to the kitchen most days. Of course, a lot of days I am also keeping an eye on some baking so there is a reason. And..also... the sun streams in through the kitchen windows...and the birdies are playing in the patio and the birdie bath and little fountain is burbling.... I'm just a spoiled brat I guess. I have two places to sit.... so.... I do!

I bought a wall to wall Ikea table for the area. It is a bump out with windows...and the table with both leaves in fits it perfectly. You can see that I need all the space I can get .... cuz I like to spread my stuff around. I don't believe in putting everything away in between my visits to this room... I'll just have to spend an hour finding it when I come back anyway. And...if it is long time...well, for sure I'll forget where I put it.
Oh, I've got lots of stuff in drawers, cupboards and tote bins too... under the table and on the top shelves of my walk in closet which is just between this room and my bedroom, and in the linen cupboard and in the big storage area under this very room. Sigh. As a matter fact, when we first began our renovations...this room was going to be a sitting room off the master bedroom. But..it quickly became a junk room...and then... I decided I need a craft room instead ..so we re-organized stuff..bought the table, a desk and a barrister bookcase and curio cabinet. All the dolls and a lot of bears are in this room...the little guys and a couple more dolls are in the front room. .. and the foyer...and the... oh, alright..they are everywhere in this house!
Even if I'm not very prolific with the doll and bear making, I don't usually sell them...so the numbers are beginning to add up.....
That is a coffee table sitting in front of the bookcase... blocking the doorway to the bedroom and closet.... I have no room for it... wanna buy a coffee table...cheap?
Back to the work surfaces...
Maggi says she can tell a former dental assistant lives here....
My family lives here too...in the corner.... nowhere else to put this many photos. So, they're forced to hang out with me while I hang out...
If I was still dental assisting and left my chores undone this long?...I'd have been fired out on my ass.
You know that old saying .... a stitch in time saves 9? ...hahhaha.... This poor little apron has been waiting months sitting patiently on top of the machine ...maybe even 9 months now. ...for that stitch. And believe me...it is only about a row of 9 stitches it needs! Acckkkkk....terrible! That's it, I'm fired!
There is a desk under all that... but, it usually looks pretty much like this....
Maybe tomorrow I will tidy a bit... oh...nope...can't... it's Wednesday. Golfing with my old dudes. Well, if it isn't raining.
Okay..if it rains, I tidy.